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Poll: Who do YOU want to win 2004 btp santaworm contest?
Jay 6 users
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Deathbringer 1 users
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Well, count me in :)
I didn't made this to win, just it's my first try to draw a worm not using any premade things just for the fun of it.
I hope the look is suitable enough for a santaworm :)

19.12.04 03:48
Post #16
Last edited: 19.12.04 03:51 (DeathBringer - 1 times) [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Shouldn't this be in BlameTheJudges?
19.12.04 08:12
Post #17
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Great Donkey Master
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No, art contests go in BlameTheArt.

edit: Actually i'm not so sure about that after all, I just noticed the "Best Admin Sigwerm" was in BlameTheJudges, i guess art contests can fall into both catorgories.

Nice worm []DeathBringer. :)

19.12.04 09:41
Post #18
Last edited: 19.12.04 13:38 (Khuzad - 1 times) [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Khuzad

No, art contests go in BlameTheArt.

Well then i'd have to see DeathBringer's worm is the best :)
19.12.04 09:47
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Quoted :: Source

Shouldn't this be in BlameTheJudges?

It can go in either. It's art so it can go to art. But it's a contest, so it can go to judges.

We'll just leave it here..

19.12.04 22:26
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Lol, it seems like i've already got 2 votes :D Kewl.

20.12.04 16:54
Post #21
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so, if I enter 10 times, would that increase the pirize money by loads?:lol:

Ill make one at least.
20.12.04 22:49
Post #22
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Quoted :: kikumbob

Ill make one at least.

I might. But I'm a lot lazier than usual these days, so I dunno if I'll get around to dragging myself on the proper compy. Plus I draw better alone (I guess when people aren't asking WTF I'm drawing all the time), and during the holidays, I ain't gonna be ruler of the house anytime soon...


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
20.12.04 23:27
Post #23
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Looks like this contest won't be in my hands:(.

21.12.04 00:04
Post #24
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then whos hands will it be in?:?
21.12.04 00:10
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Maybe Akuryou13 if he shows us his animation, maybe Think, maybe Deathbringer.

22.12.04 01:42
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Well, whatever they have to show us. They'd better be quick.
Competition closes on the 23rd


22.12.04 01:45
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23rd?? well, animation I was gunna make is simple enough, so I'll go ahead and make it then.

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
22.12.04 03:16
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

@Kikumbob, no it won't increase it because it states "£200 BTP moneys. multiplied by the number of seperate users entered." Every USER that enters, not every entry ¬.¬
People actually need to read the posts before making stupid comments

An image!
22.12.04 11:38
Post #29
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I was joking! Lol:)
22.12.04 13:03
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