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Btp has had a huge spamrise since the arrival of kyle and others, some say we should ban all of his accounts that sign up, others say give him a chance.

Well, if a courtroom were to be in order, (with Judge ZoGgEr!)
btp could have a dury of respected and active members. They could all decide among them/us, instead of the ultimate penalty of BANNAGE.

Penaltys could include:
-A time limit before posting again
-Time before they can visit again, or a temp ban (suggests a timer for a torso, with number of days/hours untill there allowed back on)
-Taking away a privalage untill further action is taken (ratings?)

And so on.

P.S. This isn't about kyle, I just used him as an example.
07.12.04 15:18
Post #1
Last edited: 09.12.04 21:38 (XxfuzzballxX - 2 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: XxfuzzballxX
P.S. This isn't about kyle, I just used him as an example.

Heh, where have I heard that before?
07.12.04 16:51
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Great Donkey Master
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BTP isn't a democracy! (Although i like the idea)

07.12.04 17:51
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I like the idea too. Doubt it'd happen. I'd say admins should post the reason why the punished someone before doing so..
07.12.04 20:52
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Hey Megalomaniac
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[rather stupid post]
CourtRoom- "I Wish Kyle Would Leave."

Jerry, that ***** has been sleeping with MY pixel. Y'all just shut up. I will take off all of this and beat you like a ****ing **** monkey.

Wait a minute... Jerry and Judy ARE both judges, right?
[/rather stupid post]


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08.12.04 00:22
Post #5
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How would we do it? On IRC? On a forum?

Why don't we just ban/tax users right away instead of needing to wait for them and a few other people to say something about it?

It still sounds okay but Zog wont let us, and it would be chaos with everything needing to say something about it.
08.12.04 08:27
Post #6
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Quoted :: XxfuzzballxX

Btp has had a huge spamrise since the arrival of kyle and others, some say we should ban all of his accounts that sign up, others say give him a chance.

Well, if a courtroom were to be in order, (with Judge ZoGgEr!)
btp could have a dury of respected and active members. They could all decide among them/us, instead of the ultimate penalty of BANNAGE.

Penaltys could include:
-A time limit before posting again
-Time before they can visit again (suggests a timer for a torso, with number of days/hours untill there allowed back on)
-Taking away a privalage untill further action is taken (ratings?)

And so on.

P.S. This isn't about kyle, I just used him as an example.

Sounds like a great idea fuzz :)
08.12.04 18:33
Post #7
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[G]the candy man
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why not make a forum like Glenn suggested (other tread) to do stuff like this....
08.12.04 18:34
Post #8
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You could have it like ask the pixel, but JudgeThePixel or something...
08.12.04 19:28
Post #9
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[G]the candy man
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and it could be in blame the judges
08.12.04 22:33
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At least i have chicken!
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I love this idea its the best yet! I think every one all the time deserves a afair trial! I know BTP isn't a demcoracey but i believe the fair trial law works well in all political systems. Also i belive the law should be "innocent untill proven guilty".


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

09.12.04 16:47
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Except we can't hold the person on trial in custody while the trial is in place. For this, the person can do even more harm while the trial is in progress..
09.12.04 21:19
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Actually, you can. If you take my idea of a temporary banning, but don't make it all inclusive, it could work. Just allow them to still visit the site, but set the tax to 100%, disable comment/word association/shout posting, and posting outside that forum (they can't make threads in the courtroom forum of course). That's all there is to it. Of course, some admin will come along and tell me it'd be hell to code right about now...
09.12.04 21:32
Post #13
Last edited: 09.12.04 21:33 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Or you could just temporarily ban them.
Or have it so whatever there on trial for is dissabled. (forums, comments, shoutbox.)
09.12.04 21:35
Post #14
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Actually they already have bannings from a lot of other things (fictoleague, forums, etc). So if someone created a few more banning options, your idea could work Glenn.
09.12.04 21:44
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