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09.12.04 22:17
Post #16
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[G]the candy man
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well that would work.....but it would probably stop them from visiting btp al together...
09.12.04 23:02
Post #17
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

Banned from accessing the forums completly

Well, they'd still have to have access and posting privleges in whatever forum we would put the trials in. They have to be able to state their case and defend themselves, otherwise it becomes a massive kangaroo court.
10.12.04 01:16
Post #18
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Acrap spelr
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could i sue because somebody because they said they would do something and never did it?

warning the actions of this person if negative are not representitive of btp
10.12.04 02:32
Post #19
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What has that got to do with anything?
10.12.04 18:03
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It means he's taking the term "courtroom" a bit too seriously.
10.12.04 21:11
Post #21
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Law is a serious thing!


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

10.12.04 21:15
Post #22
[©larkey252's Space] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i see this as you all want a chance at playing god, you lot are just going to scare people away, we all ready have people questioning user-admins and admins decisions, we were made user-admins and admins because we can make the decision, if you dont like that someone is banned and you feel they wernt a certain spammer, well thats your problem, we banned them its up to us.

and who cares about a fair trial, its btp its not life and death
12.12.04 13:52
Post #23
Last edited: 12.12.04 13:54 (DreamEater - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Note the period.
13.12.04 00:42
Post #24
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Well, although I beileve that indeed btp is not a democracy, I think you should give everyone that violates the rules, etc. a chance to explain themsevles, or just swear they wont to it again etc, all in all, I think blamethecourtroom would be an excellent idea.
13.12.04 01:11
Post #25
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Quoted :: Source

or just swear they wont to it again

Okay, I won't @$%*ing do it again.


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13.12.04 01:16
Post #26
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Quoted :: Thnikkaman

Quoted :: Source

or just swear they wont to it again

Okay, I won't @$%*ing do it again.

lol, not LITERALLY :P
13.12.04 01:22
Post #27
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Quoted :: madknifa

Note the period.

What about the period?
You want us to praise you for using good grammar?

16.12.04 20:37
Post #28
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Quoted :: HarrY

Quoted :: madknifa

Note the period.

What about the period?
You want us to praise you for using good grammar?

The period emphasises his point :)

Quoted :: minigunweilder

Could i sue because somebody because they said they would do something and never did it?

If you had a legally binding contract, yes
16.12.04 21:41
Post #29
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Quoted :: HarrY

Quoted :: madknifa

Note the period.

What about the period?
You want us to praise you for using good grammar?

Lol...*praises Knifa*
16.12.04 21:45
Post #30
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