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Well, seeing as every user seems to have their own idea about what's best for BTP, here is some random text to try and clarify some stuff. Whilst I say "we" meaning "the staff" in the following post, I don't actually represent their views, I just posted this of my own accord.

Why BTP Is Not a Democracy (at least, not in the official sense of the word)
Because we are not a country. You do not pay me taxes so that I can run this site better. There are no elections as to who should run the site, as I am paying for it wholly and singly. However, on no other site that I have ever been to have the users had as much control as here. Every suggestion that I recieve / notice is given full consideration, even if we don't necasarily respond to every suggestion given. Personally I wait for other people's opinions on suggestions before giving my own. So as not to give an official answer until everyone has given input that may be considered. There are ratings, and virtually no content of BTP is actually fixed and written by any of the staff. It is all contributed by the users (and us too). Obviously we do the coding, and that's part/most (depending on the person) of what we're here for, but everything else is down to you.

Why spam is so much more annoying than it needs to be
Because no-one will ever shut up about it. Almost every thread in BTGeneralDiscussion / wherever is related to a kyle account or ratings. Whilst it may need to be discussed, it is not the point of a forum. We're here to read some relevant, interesting, and generally enjoyable posts, not winge about how low our ratings are.

On admins being too chewy soft lenient
Maybe we don't delete enough spam, or ban enough users, or maybe by trying to ban the spamming users we are just aggrevating the situation. As we have seen, certain people do not just go away because we tell them too. they don't even go away when we ban them. There is no way to ban certain people, except by banning everyone on their ISP, at least in that sort of area. We might as well try integrate them. After all, most spammers are generally younger than other members, we can bend their minds into all sorts of funny shapes.
edit: to those who say we are too soft. I would like to see you try to run BTP, however that is not practical, and if you didn't notice, we [well, knifa I think, but I would've done if I had been around enough] did ban pretty much all of the kyle accounts. Did it work? no. We are not giving him another chance, he is taking another chance.

To be deleted from now on:
  • Spam

  • Any discussion relating to spam (that isn't a suggestion in the suggestions forum)

  • Any whingeing about ratings

  • Any accusations of double accounts [PM an admin] / flaming [although we could have a seperate forum for this]

edit: of course that doesn't mean you can't leave your comments on this thread ;)

I have more to say, but I can never remember what it is after working out how to word the bit before... lol.

edit again: uh... much of this post was in relation to this:

You know I'm a dancing machine
22.10.04 14:36
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At least i have chicken!
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I agree totally except the bit about bendin young ppls minds i dont like the idea of that :?


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

22.10.04 16:05
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I would like to see me run btp, too. XD
22.10.04 16:09
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Oh noes! Not Wish! :cry:

22.10.04 17:16
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in case anybody wonders, this is a PM i got from kyle and sent back to him:


Re: Hey - From CBWhiz


Hey its me rb..would you mind setting my rating back to 11, people keep rating me down for no reason and they all think im kyle. And i can only post every 4 mintues :\

Look Kyle, you clearly are Kyle. And congradulations, you know what a proxy is. Anyway, I promise I won't ban you if you don't piss me off. Ways of pissing me off include PMing me with stupid requests, spamming, making multible accounts, etc.

Use common sense.

To post more often, get more people to like you. Then they'll rate you up.

because obviously, the more you ban him the more he signs up.

at least this encourages him to do good.
22.10.04 17:23
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

edit again: uh... much of this post was in relation to this:

22.10.04 17:25
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I want to explain things here, and i want/will to have your opinions. I think all the problems spotted by this thread show one thing, very interesting, that you may not notice totally. A lot of users, in which i include myself, love this website, can spend hours logged in, browsing every single new post, checking every new things that has been added.
Those members like the site too much, and so, they tend to suggest a lot of things, forgetting sometimes that admins are human people, who need time to do things and don't look at the site with the same point of view.

Consequently, any spamming or badly behving user is considered as an agressor, then "flamed" and rated down. I know it may look like a quite possessive behaviour, but maybe that's why you posted, with justified reasons, that you are the site's owner, you pay the web hosting, and you write code, admin, and much more.

True that users have a lot of control, they can suggest things, post, upload files, chat, listen to radio/tv, play lotto, worms, and many other things, this is good, and people want to be part of it, to contribute. This can explain why so many active members give their opinions about how the site could/should work so often.

Sorry to alude to this, but i just logged in and I see atm a new red torso... which shows how difficult it can be to integrate people. I think that people should show how much they want to be integrated, look, when i came here, i was flamed by Meiapaul when i made my first posts, and i didn't speak well the language (a bit better now but there is still work to do), i didn't know all the rule, but i wanted to be part of btp and i learned (fast, not after tons of bans) how to behave the good way. Integrations is good for those who give proffs that they want to be integrated. And now i'm happy to be an active member of btp, almost with a blue torso, maps and a scheme heavily downloaded, and i like to contribute, chat, listen and DJ on the radio, do auctions : contribute and make the site alive. That's why i spotted some multiple accounts, submitted, mainly, to Knifa, PMing him because of his current quickness.

I don't see why btp should be a democracy, there is no reason for it IMO, i just like the site with the smallest amount of spam as possible, like anybody who likes btp. And that's why i submitted multiple accounts to Knifa. No i don't feel especially targetted by your thread Zogger, (this is not BlameTheCourt, i'm not answering to the judge ^^) which comes in the right moment, but i want to be understood. Like any other member, i do this to contribute. I know (like the staff does) about more double accounts, but i see absolutely no reason to mention them. It wouldn't be constructive contribution.

And to definitely close one thing, like you did : Knifa is a very efficient admin, and since admins make other admins, non-admin users shoudn't discuss about his adminship.

Here i can speak in the name of many active users perhaps because i'm quite older than many : we love btp, that's why we reacted this way.

A bit long for a post :s don't quote the whole thing ;)


Artwork by the wishmaster.

22.10.04 19:37
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Wish may return once things die down. Once it stops being all spammish. Check his journal entry, more info there.


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
22.10.04 19:50
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Yeh, i hope he comes back...

22.10.04 20:13
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Im not mad, I agree with Zogger on everything, except when people insult me and that. Thats all I would like people to work on. Trying to be nicer to me (unless I started the fight or im was a fuckhead then). Peace
22.10.04 20:13
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Afaik, you gave real proofs that you wanted to be nice. Good point, and your rating went up.

I want Wish' back too... I have his artwork in every single post i do. BTP needs you Wish, come back please. :)


Artwork by the wishmaster.

22.10.04 20:15
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Quoted :: clarkey252

I agree totally except the bit about bendin young ppls minds i dont like the idea of that :?

Would you rather be banned or your mind bend and therefore you becoming a good member?
22.10.04 20:19
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Two people rated me down again. I guess your wrong, falkra?
22.10.04 20:27
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I saw, this is an example of how difficult it is to get respected after spammage... : /


Artwork by the wishmaster.

22.10.04 20:29
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Long ago buddy, long ago. But anyways, its better to get rated down than to get banned.
22.10.04 20:35
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