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Where is the IP ban function when you need it?...
15.10.04 14:44
Post #91
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dont ban him, just ignore him, he will get board anyway...and its fun watching him make a fool of him self.
15.10.04 14:47
Post #92
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Im not making a fool out of myself, im trying to apologize(sp?).

Whether you kill or get killed, it's just another way to kill time.


15.10.04 16:39
Post #93
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yes but know one is listening to you, so go away, fool!
15.10.04 16:48
Post #94
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Its not my fault that i never leave this site, (magnet.php) the magnet is taking effect and I cant resist it, until finally, i cant leave muahahahah l0l.

Whether you kill or get killed, it's just another way to kill time.


15.10.04 18:33
Post #95
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no ones laughing...
15.10.04 18:35
Post #96
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Holidays tomorrow, back here and on WN.
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Quoted :: Kyle

Im not making a fool out of myself, im trying to apologize(sp?).

You apologized hundreds of times, because you never learn and still carry on spreading pointlessness everywhere. You burnt your chances, so now apologies won't change anything.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

15.10.04 18:40
Post #97
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[B]Kitty owns j00 :D

Hello, how is everyone doing?

Wait.....Do what now?
15.10.04 19:28
Post #98
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Orangie Orgy
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Just fine kyle
15.10.04 19:34
Post #99
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My name isn't kyle, its is omfgnesstest...ph33rt..
15.10.04 19:37
Post #100
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Lol skates, look at my predicted days till blueness, i have 850+ threads :D :D :D
15.10.04 19:45
Post #101
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Orangie Orgy
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Stop it kyle, we all know its you. Your reputations already bad, your making it 8x worse...
15.10.04 19:49
Post #102
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No im not.:|
15.10.04 19:55
Post #103
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Orangie Orgy
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Yes you are, you admitted it yourself that all of these accounts are yours...
15.10.04 19:56
Post #104
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[G]the blamer
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So? :oops:
15.10.04 19:58
Post #105
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