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18.05.03 03:48
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This too is a test to see which parts of my profile go where.

Ignore this.

08.06.03 12:53
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[]The Pope
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and this is to test if my keyboad is woking. Aha! my lette that comes befoe S. What should I do? :D :D :D

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08.06.03 14:33
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08.06.03 14:42
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pope - your sig brakes my design in Opera cause there are too many broken images, I'll just edit it so that your images contain an alt value so they don't... heh.

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08.06.03 15:27
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[]The Pope
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bah! my second attempt to mess the site up and you go and edit it! Did I say attempt? I meant accident. lol. That is my first bit of programming. well you cant call it programming. just a useless piece of nothing. Hey look my R is working!:D

Learn to look, look to learn.
08.06.03 22:14
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If any admins are reading this I've changed my username u can get rid of 'Osirus' plz, the reason why I changed is bcause on some sites Osirus is already taken & I want 2 have a unique username that I can use anywhere on the net blablabla, thx.

You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is: never try.
22.06.03 22:17
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Insanity's Uberlord
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make sure u get rid of the right 1 tho! heh :)

You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is: never try.
22.06.03 22:18
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well I don't know what your old name is so it would be difficult to remove the wrong one. heh.

Anyway, this is the same problem as the editing usernames thing. I can't really do it, cause it would mess some stuff up :S

You know I'm a dancing machine
22.06.03 22:19
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his old name is osirus, his new name is osirius

As this is just a testing thread i'm going to break the design :p

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
23.06.03 01:27
Post #10
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well that just wasnt nice, was it?
23.06.03 02:18
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heh comes out pretty wierd after breakage

You know I'm a dancing machine
23.06.03 22:09
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wtf? someone put < t a b l e > < t a b l e / > on the forum. Thats wat i put on thors lol. to screw it like that.
29.06.03 23:39
Post #13
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*scrolls to quickly and looks at wierd pattern to the right*
*gets seizure*
01.07.03 01:40
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I have no idea what wierd pattern you're talking about. heh.

You know I'm a dancing machine
01.07.03 01:42
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