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ya well see ya forum!
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Knight who, until recently, said Ni! Posts: 166
Threads: 16 WWP Clan: MOG Mood: special Meiapaul will not be held responsable for anything in the following post, or any post made by him, or anything else, ever.
me neither :s ________________
01.07.03 06:01
[Hide Sig (0) ] [Profile ] [Quote ]
If you really think about it what is custom status Posts: 723
Threads: 51 WA Clan: Contra(xCx) Mood: My mood eh? I feel cheese hi my name is joe. ________________
Die Pixel Die! Muahahah!
01.07.03 13:49
[Contra Clan ] [Hide Sig (1) ] [Profile ] [Edit ] [Quote ]
If you really think about it what is custom status Posts: 723
Threads: 51 WA Clan: Contra(xCx) Mood: My mood eh? I feel cheese damn it didnt do wat i wanted. but meh ________________
Die Pixel Die! Muahahah!
01.07.03 13:50
[Contra Clan ] [Hide Sig (1) ] [Profile ] [Edit ] [Quote ]
Yep indeedio. Posts: 521
Threads: 19 WWP Clan: WcD Mood: All mooded up
Time for a ZoGgErPost! look what you did.
The village idiot minus the idiot... And the village...
01.07.03 14:10
[BlameThePixel ] [Hide Sig (0) ] [Profile ] [Quote ]
If you really think about it what is custom status Posts: 723
Threads: 51 WA Clan: Contra(xCx) Mood: My mood eh? I feel cheese hey ur in my post. lol zogger is my sig. lol ________________
Die Pixel Die! Muahahah!
01.07.03 14:16
[Contra Clan ] [Hide Sig (1) ] [Profile ] [Edit ] [Quote ]
Knight who, until recently, said Ni! Posts: 166
Threads: 16 WWP Clan: MOG Mood: special Meiapaul will not be held responsable for anything in the following post, or any post made by him, or anything else, ever.
he is? ________________
01.07.03 15:33
[Hide Sig (0) ] [Profile ] [Quote ] Page: [1 ] [2]
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Hidden Text! Congratulations, you have found the hidden
text. Your prize is to get to find out why this text is here! And the reason
I give is to make sure that the design works properly when there is not enough text on
the page to make the table wide enough. There - wasn't that interesting?
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<table> ya <table/> well see ya forum!
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<p><b><a href='forumindex.php'>BTForum</a></b>
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» <b>testing something</b></p><table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center class=forum><tr><td align=center colspan=2 class='bordbot' style='padding: 2px, 0, 2px, 0'><font size=1>Page: [<a href='forumthread.php?id=331&catid=1&page=1'>1</a>] [2] </font></td></tr><tr><td width=100 height=100 class='bordbot' valign=top>
<a name='4173'></a>
<font size=1><b>Knight who, until recently, said Ni!</b><br>Posts: 166<br>
Threads: 16<br>WWP Clan: MOG<br>Mood: special<br> <img src='images/i_offline.gif' width=16 alt='Not online within the last half an hour' title='Not online within the last half an hour'></font></td><td class='postmain' valign=top><p align=center><font color=Red><b> Meiapaul will not be held responsable for anything in the following post, or any post made by him, or anything else, ever. </b> </font> <br> </p><br><br>me neither :s<br>________________<br>
<img src="http://www.blamethepixel.com/sigimg.php?id=0088" BORDER=0></td></tr>
<tr><td class='bordbot'><font size=1>01.07.03 06:01</font></td>
<td align=right class='postmain'><font size=1> [<a href='forumhide.php?act=hide&user=Meiapaul'>Hide Sig (0)</a>] [<a href='viewprofile.php?name=Meiapaul&catid=1'>Profile</a>] [<a href='forumpostreply.php?id=331&catid=1&q=4173'>Quote</a>]</font></td></tr><tr><td width=100 height=100 class='bordbot' valign=top>
<a name='4195'></a>
<font size=1><b>If you really think about it what is custom status</b><br>Posts: 723<br>
Threads: 51<br>WA Clan: Contra(xCx)<br>Mood: My mood eh? I feel cheese<br><a href='http://members.msn.com/ketchupchips45@hotmail.com' target='_blank'><img src='images/msn.gif' alt='ketchupchips45@hotmail.com' title='MSN Profile: ketchupchips45@hotmail.com' width=17></a> <img src='images/i_online.gif' width=16 alt='Online within the last 5 mins' title='Online within the last 5 mins'></font></td><td class='postmain' valign=top><table> hi my name is joe. <table/><br>________________<br>
<marquee>Die Pixel Die! Muahahah! <img src='smilies/C1/icon_smile.gif'></marquee><br />
<br />
<img src="http://www.blamethepixel.com/sigimg.php?id=0119" BORDER=0></td></tr>
<tr><td class='bordbot'><font size=1>01.07.03 13:49</font></td>
<td align=right class='postmain'><font size=1> [<a href='http://contraclan.topcities.com/index.html' target='_blank'>Contra Clan</a>] [<a href='forumhide.php?act=hide&user=C1'>Hide Sig (1)</a>] [<a href='viewprofile.php?name=C1&catid=1'>Profile</a>] [<a href='forumeditpost.php?id=4195&catid=1'>Edit</a>] [<a href='forumpostreply.php?id=331&catid=1&q=4195'>Quote</a>]</font></td></tr><tr><td width=100 height=100 class='bordbot' valign=top>
<a name='4196'></a>
<font size=1><b>If you really think about it what is custom status</b><br>Posts: 723<br>
Threads: 51<br>WA Clan: Contra(xCx)<br>Mood: My mood eh? I feel cheese<br><a href='http://members.msn.com/ketchupchips45@hotmail.com' target='_blank'><img src='images/msn.gif' alt='ketchupchips45@hotmail.com' title='MSN Profile: ketchupchips45@hotmail.com' width=17></a> <img src='images/i_online.gif' width=16 alt='Online within the last 5 mins' title='Online within the last 5 mins'></font></td><td class='postmain' valign=top>damn it didnt do wat i wanted. but meh<br>________________<br>
<marquee>Die Pixel Die! Muahahah! <img src='smilies/C1/icon_smile.gif'></marquee><br />
<br />
<img src="http://www.blamethepixel.com/sigimg.php?id=0119" BORDER=0></td></tr>
<tr><td class='bordbot'><font size=1>01.07.03 13:50</font></td>
<td align=right class='postmain'><font size=1> [<a href='http://contraclan.topcities.com/index.html' target='_blank'>Contra Clan</a>] [<a href='forumhide.php?act=hide&user=C1'>Hide Sig (1)</a>] [<a href='viewprofile.php?name=C1&catid=1'>Profile</a>] [<a href='forumeditpost.php?id=4196&catid=1'>Edit</a>] [<a href='forumpostreply.php?id=331&catid=1&q=4196'>Quote</a>]</font></td></tr><tr><td width=100 height=100 class='bordbot' valign=top>
<a name='4209'></a>
<font size=1><b>Yep indeedio.</b><br><br><img src='http://homepage.ntlworld.com/crouch/arabia.gif' alt='An Avatar'><br>Posts: 521<br>
Threads: 19<br>WWP Clan: WcD<br>Mood: All mooded up<br><a href='http://members.msn.com/zoggerworm@hotmail.com' target='_blank'><img src='images/msn.gif' alt='zoggerworm@hotmail.com' title='MSN Profile: zoggerworm@hotmail.com' width=17></a> <a href='aim:goim?screenname=llZoGgErll&message=hello'><img src='images/aim.gif' alt='llZoGgErll' title='AIM me: llZoGgErll' width=16></a> <a href='http://profiles.yahoo.com/zoggerworm' target='_blank'><img src='images/yahoo.gif' alt='zoggerworm' title='Y! Profile: zoggerworm' width=16></a> <a href='http://web.icq.com/120362804' target='_blank'><img src='http://web.icq.com/whitepages/online?icq=120362804&img=5' alt='120362804' title='ICQ Profile: 120362804' width=16></a> <img src='images/i_offline.gif' width=16 alt='Not online within the last half an hour' title='Not online within the last half an hour'></font></td><td class='postmain' valign=top><table width=100% height=100%><tr><td style='border: 1px dashed black'><br />
<center><b>Time for a ZoGgErPost!</b></center><br><br>look what you did.<br />
<center>The village idiot minus the idiot... And the village...<br />
<img src="http://www.blamethepixel.com/sigimg.php?id=0012" BORDER=0><br />
<A HREF="http://www.blamethepixel.com" TARGET="_blank">BlameThePixel</a></center><br />
<tr><td class='bordbot'><font size=1>01.07.03 14:10</font></td>
<td align=right class='postmain'><font size=1> [<a href='http://www.blamethepixel.com' target='_blank'>BlameThePixel</a>] [<a href='forumhide.php?act=hide&user=ZoGgEr!'>Hide Sig (0)</a>] [<a href='viewprofile.php?name=ZoGgEr!&catid=1'>Profile</a>] [<a href='forumpostreply.php?id=331&catid=1&q=4209'>Quote</a>]</font></td></tr><tr><td width=100 height=100 class='bordbot' valign=top>
<a name='4211'></a>
<font size=1><b>If you really think about it what is custom status</b><br>Posts: 723<br>
Threads: 51<br>WA Clan: Contra(xCx)<br>Mood: My mood eh? I feel cheese<br><a href='http://members.msn.com/ketchupchips45@hotmail.com' target='_blank'><img src='images/msn.gif' alt='ketchupchips45@hotmail.com' title='MSN Profile: ketchupchips45@hotmail.com' width=17></a> <img src='images/i_online.gif' width=16 alt='Online within the last 5 mins' title='Online within the last 5 mins'></font></td><td class='postmain' valign=top>hey ur in my post. lol zogger is my sig. lol<br>________________<br>
<marquee>Die Pixel Die! Muahahah! <img src='smilies/C1/icon_smile.gif'></marquee><br />
<br />
<img src="http://www.blamethepixel.com/sigimg.php?id=0119" BORDER=0></td></tr>
<tr><td class='bordbot'><font size=1>01.07.03 14:16</font></td>
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<font size=1><b>Knight who, until recently, said Ni!</b><br>Posts: 166<br>
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<tr><td class='bordbot'><font size=1>01.07.03 15:33</font></td>
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<hr><font color='' style='font-weight: 600'>tumours </font><br>
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<hr>-Latest-<br><br>Can't post twice in a row<hr>
<center><b>FictoLeague</b><br><form method='POST' action='fictovote.php'>
<input type='hidden' name='player1' value='lankygibbon'>
<input type='hidden' name='player2' value='XTraXSheepX'>
<input type='hidden' name='gametype' value='Roper'>
<input type='radio' name='winner' value='lankygibbon' CHECKED class='nothing'><b>lankygibbon</b><br>
<b>XTraXSheepX</b><input type='radio' name='winner' value='XTraXSheepX' class='nothing'><br>
At A <font color='darkred'><b>Roper</b></font><br>
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<hr><center><font size=1>Date: 02.07.03.<br>
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03.07.03 03:15 Post #22 [Hide Sig (2) ] [Profile ] [Quote ]
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ahhh which one do i use?
ahhh which one do i use?
03.07.03 03:16 Post #23 [Hide Sig (2) ] [Profile ] [Quote ]
Looking For Status Send PM Posts: 3954
Threads: 62Money: £93.82 (D ) (+ Friend)
I deleted those last 3 posts cause they were too spammy
I deleted those last 3 posts cause they were too spammy :P ________________
You know I'm a dancing machine
03.07.03 20:55 Post #24 [Hide Sig (8) ] [Profile ] [Quote ]
The Pope
Decisive Send PM Posts: 5183
Threads: 123 Mood: RefreshedMoney: £201.52 (D ) (+ Friend)
this is insane
this is insane!!!!!1 ________________
Learn to look, look to learn.
03.07.03 21:41 Post #25 [Hide Sig (14) ] [Profile ] [Quote ]
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ya it is
ya it is
04.07.03 06:21 Post #26 [Hide Sig (2) ] [Profile ] [Quote ]
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o u must have ment the posts to see where the posts went
o u must have ment the posts to see where the posts went
04.07.03 06:22 Post #27 [Hide Sig (2) ] [Profile ] [Quote ]
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04.07.03 06:22 Post #28 [Hide Sig (2) ] [Profile ] [Quote ]
Soulless Send PM Posts: 7
Threads: 2 Mood: no soul, no moodMoney: £13.40 (D ) (+ Friend)
The ruler of your hell speaks!
why the heck is this thread so messed up?
why the heck is this thread so messed up?
23.07.03 10:24 Post #29 [Hide Sig (0) ] [Profile ] [Quote ]
Looking For Status Send PM Posts: 3954
Threads: 62Money: £93.82 (D ) (+ Friend)
through the joys of HTML. hurrah.
through the joys of HTML. hurrah. ________________
You know I'm a dancing machine
23.07.03 10:43 Post #30 [Hide Sig (8) ] [Profile ] [Quote ] Page: [1 ] [2] [3 ]
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