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lol yeh I meant fuzz, dunno how that happened :? guess I just saw your post earlier on when I was scrolling around

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16.08.04 20:45
Post #61
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[]The Pope
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So, how will you be representing land and countries?

I'll gladly help with any pixel stuff, since it's uniformed and simple.

Made up world map?
An image!

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17.08.04 08:46
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on closer inspection I have to mention your lines aren't pixel lines, although the question is do they need to be? heh

Maybe something a tad bigger, I'll come up with something in a while, probably, as an example.

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17.08.04 09:35
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It could be cool to have a world worm map like yours Pope, with different countries/islands and weather, there could be an icy region, a desert, jungle... but it needs more ground, there is too mouch ocean i think, unless ocean could be wild aqua sheep's country !

About money, it could be used to increase terrain quality, there could be like 3-4 quality levels like
1) cheap : ground as is, easily destroyable by the sea or wormquake (random disasters, like in sim city ?)
2) enhanced : (less cheap) concrete-like protection, worked on ground, solid, resists low disasters.
3) advanced : (expensive) like 2 + some road stuff makes moves faster.
4) full : (very expensive) like 3, unbreakable, fast roads.

Money could also be used to buy some defense if we do wars, like some automatic turrets, walls, traps and... wild hungry sheeps.

edit Units could be made, like banana catapults ! turning itno a MMORPG, lol.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

17.08.04 09:40
Post #64
Last edited: 17.08.04 09:41 (Falkra - 2 times) [My maps] [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote]
[]The Pope
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Each little square on there doesn't have a set ratio of how much land it represents, so you can't really say that it's too small...

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17.08.04 10:00
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A mini-world

bigger scale?

the thing is I don't see who would be the one who does all this stuff, like buying roads etc. It could all get a bit hectic with people adding stuff everywhere.

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17.08.04 10:01
Post #66
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Nice map ;)

Someone would be nominated in each region to approve everything?

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17.08.04 10:09
Post #67
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Some region admin ? Well, I could do this :lol:
They could give authorization to build roads, bridges and stuff.
Anyway, i thought the squares were the same size than pixville2. If not, this can be enormous. Yep nice maps.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

17.08.04 10:49
Post #68
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This idea is getting me excited.. so, uh.. when can we start the making? :D
17.08.04 13:25
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I'm very enthusiastic and full of ideas, so if I can help in this project...


Artwork by the wishmaster.

17.08.04 14:25
Post #70
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I think it still needs a point. ATM everyone's saying "buy this, buy that", but... why? There needs to be some incentive, somewhere.

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17.08.04 14:36
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Quoted :: Glenn

Quoted :: XxfuzzballxX

I like it. I would have the undernet. Evil ruler... awsome :lol:

Don't tell me you're playing MMBN as well :P.

Not now, but i just always remeber then, may go play it now though :D i'm stuck where your in gospels hq (the one out of the net) in kotobuki.

I'm always full of ideas. Call me. :P
17.08.04 14:41
Post #72
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

I think it still needs a point. ATM everyone's saying "buy this, buy that", but... why? There needs to be some incentive, somewhere.

A pixel is a point. (Clap clap).
Why buy ? To get pixel world domination, to use money, and to have a btp country, alliance and rank in our sweet profiles.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

17.08.04 15:17
Post #73
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why dont we make it every user has his own country (if they wish to participate). every now and again the user will have to make decisions that will effects the population/state of the country/money that they have... with the money, you can buy weapons and defense for battles? so like

country damage = population * weapon damage - country defense? (damn you math)

so uh, yea... :D
17.08.04 17:25
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Knifa, we discussed that already. That would make about 1000 countries. Nice map zogger. But your right zog, we need to think of a reason "why" we need to buy stuff. Hm..depending on what you want to accomplish here..Do you want this to be a game, or something like pixelville?
17.08.04 18:37
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