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[G]dj canada
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will you be able to host a ranked game or will it always be in affect?

i dunno about you, but i think the idea would be stupid for the Rope Races... half the time the winner usally throws himself into the water, becuase he won and the game is over
17.07.04 02:56
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It's like old WN, so yes, all games are ranked. And that's why, if your the winner of an rr, you wait until the loser surrenders. That's what you should do in a normal game, but no one hardly does. I don't.
17.07.04 06:37
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erm... iirc not all games were ranked on the old thing. I don't think anything in #ag was, you had to join the ranked channels for ranked games, where the scheme was already chosen for you and couldn't be edited.

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17.07.04 09:33
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What happens if a player disconnects? To the person who disconnects it will say they won but to the opponent it will say they won:?

17.07.04 10:04
Post #34
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[G]dj canada
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i think it will say "times disconected" for each person, and the oppenent will get a "win"

or atleast it should be that way, like on battlenet games
17.07.04 14:52
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

erm... iirc not all games were ranked on the old thing. I don't think anything in #ag was, you had to join the ranked channels for ranked games, where the scheme was already chosen for you and couldn't be edited.

*thinks about it* Oh yeah, I think your right about that zog. It's been so long ago, that I can hardly remember.
17.07.04 17:59
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Anything Goes and Party Time weren't ranked in the old WormNet. For the disconnecting issue, the win goes to whomever is still connected to the server, since the server will read the other person as surrendering/quitting (at least that's how it should go).
17.07.04 19:52
Post #37
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just what i finally wanted!:):)
the next step, createing your own channels, that are private and hidden:)

17.07.04 20:14
Post #38
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Quoted :: HarrY

just what i finally wanted!:):)
the next step, createing your own channels, that are private and hidden:)

People have been doing this for a long time. No has ever had a full time channel, that's always up and that has ranks. PPZ Clan has their own channel, and so does Mashimaro. And so have other people.
17.07.04 20:26
Post #39
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I think he means adding your own channels to their server, as opposed to making new servers...

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17.07.04 20:27
Post #40
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[G]dj canada
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I dont think that there is enough poeple who play W:A at the same time for that to work.... youd get a bunch of empty channels... poeple endlessy trying to find a game to join but get kicked from each channel, becuase... well poeple tend to do that

altough im sure the clans would love it
18.07.04 04:40
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the pount of createing your own channels is so you can have a secret rendevous point for your clan mates/friends/tournies etc etc
the channels could be temporairy, so they get removed from the server every so often

18.07.04 16:40
Post #42
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Well, it's handy to have 1 or new secret channels but if anyone can add some, it would get out of hand.
18.07.04 21:25
Post #43
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you can create channels on
just type in the channel name or"/join blehh" and it will take you to channel "blehh":)

18.07.04 21:33
Post #44
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Hm, I suppose this could work. The majority would join Anything goes, after they get the picture, about the other channels and what they're for.
18.07.04 21:38
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