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If all the stars are gone the New will go away, to put it simpler..
21.05.04 00:33
Post #31
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Tho the New confuses a lot of people. It even confused me at first. So could we change it to my idea on pg 1 or 2.
21.05.04 03:13
Post #32
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And the thread slowly moved offtopic.

Its actually just one of the many things that makes btp diffirent.

Although it may be annoying to join a thread late and discover it means nothign to its original title.

Bloopy was right, lol.
21.05.04 09:31
Post #33
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Do you ever talk to someone about the same topic for more than 2 minutes in real life?


An image!

21.05.04 12:03
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That's true.
21.05.04 18:15
Post #35
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

very true
unless you are fighting for some reason:):)
21.05.04 18:28
Post #36
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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heh, i guess u wouldnt stick 2 the same topic 4 the entire day, id rather sure i could get a decent convo with the devil, what sorta burgers they got there? flame grilled?

21.05.04 18:41
Post #37
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Wow, we are going off topic on a against-off-topicness thread. :lol:
21.05.04 21:00
Post #38
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heh, but we have come 2 the conclusion that it is the meaning of all topics 3 this 2 happen:D

21.05.04 21:05
Post #39
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Im guessing the reason is that we all feel social and stuff..
21.05.04 21:10
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No, the reason is because we're on a looser forum where offtopicness doesn't mean locked threads, deleted posts, warnings, and bannings.
21.05.04 21:24
Post #41
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how can u ban something that is part of life?

21.05.04 21:27
Post #42
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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If I was banned from BTP I would be pissed, because you wouldnt like, be able to do anything:|
21.05.04 21:47
Post #43
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i would expect a shot ban from the forum.....

21.05.04 22:18
Post #44
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I just listed things in the order of increasing severity of punishment (and repetitive offences). Except that deleted posts should really come before locked threads.
22.05.04 02:27
Post #45
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