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Poll: Cannabis Cafe planning permission:
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The Good Die Young
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Hey me and redline have been working on the Cannabis Cafe and totally re-done it... Its still work in progress tho and has a lot to do yet. Wot u think ?


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15.04.04 15:14
Post #16
Last edited: 15.04.04 15:15 (Docta_Shade - 1 times) [Hide Sig (5)] [Profile] [Quote]
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>_< Get rid of that white background!:x

Aside from that it looks good, however the doors should be bigger.

15.04.04 16:18
Post #17
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I totally agree with Anonymous.

What you do with your OWN body is nobody's buisness except your own - if you do it in the privacy of your own space. And I wouldn't say people are killing themselves by taking drugs. Maybe just shortening their life-span.

Also Docta your new cannabis café is looking great. Keep up the good work.
15.04.04 16:30
Post #18
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so....shortening your life span isn't killing yourself?

15.04.04 20:05
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Quoted :: Anonymous

I'd expect better from you, Glenn. The truth is I haven't tried crack or LSD (though LSD is tempting). I get to laugh all the time when I take certain drugs (for little or no reason, it doesn't matter), but saying that drug users do those things is very much nonsense. Not counting the fact that you are one of the more intelligible users here, you say you haven't even tried drugs, so you have no idea what they actually do to you or what you feel like on them.

Aside from the fact that you are saying that all drugs are bad and yet I'm sure you've taken acetaminophen and probably an array of others, I like to think that all drugs have a purpose if used correctly. Every drug has its own unique blend of effect(s), and the more we learn about substances the more we will be able to use drugs to our benefit.

To reiterate...

Quoted :: myself
Personally, if you're going to get involved in something that is potentially fatal, that's none of my business. It's your life, you're going to live it that way no matter what I say or do.

I'm an asthmatic myself, so I do have to take drugs to control that. Also, I take drugs to control my allergies. When I say I don't do drugs, and I never will, I'm talking about cigarrettes, marijuana, cocaine, etc. And I do know what their effects are, because I have a few friends that are in RECOVERY for the stuff they took. I have witnessed someone under the effects of a hallucinogen get RAN OVER by a train. Personally, I do not want that happenning to me.
And furthermore, you seem to know me. So just who are you Anonymous?

Edit: FYI, I voted open-minded in that poll.
15.04.04 21:30
Post #20
Last edited: 15.04.04 21:31 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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good points glenn :)
15.04.04 21:40
Post #21
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The Good Die Young
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hey IGW on firefox the white background is transparent but i saw it at a mates house 2day on IE and it was the white b/g :S:S

How do i sort this out??


An image!

15.04.04 21:52
Post #22
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Set the colour mode to 8 bit paletted in your image program.

Or just leave it as it is and tell your mate to get a better browser.
15.04.04 22:08
Post #23
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Quoted :: igotworms

so....shortening your life span isn't killing yourself?
Not neccesarily, killing yourself by using drugs would be dying directly because of them. eg. overdose and you die. If you take drugs and die of a heart attack you haven't died directly due to the druge you have taken, they would have just perhaps shortened your life somewhat.

15.04.04 22:11
Post #24
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well how is shortening your life different from dying fast....all it is is your dying

you guys are a little mixed up.....if you do drugs you can either, overdose and die, or use responsibly (which is pretty much and die 20 years earlier than you would if you didn't do drugs...doesn't make much sense to do drugs does it!
15.04.04 23:00
Post #25
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Quoted :: igotworms

you guys are a little mixed up.....if you do drugs you can either, overdose and die, or use responsibly (which is pretty much and die 20 years earlier than you would if you didn't do drugs...doesn't make much sense to do drugs does it!

If you die 20 years earlier due to drug use, you weren't using them very responsibly, were you? Does a patient in the hospital get years (or days, minute, or seconds, for that matter) cut off their life because of that morphine they were given? Drugs are powerful tools, which can be used wisely or ignorantly. Myself, I'd rather know as much about them as possibly rather than nothing about them. Just like guns, they can be used responsibly or irresponsibly. What you do with them is up to you.
16.04.04 01:25
Post #26
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Your new Cannabis Cafe looks more like a penitentiary now than a cafe (or headshop, whichever you prefer). What's up with that? I guess those are suppose to be balconies, but they don't look very inviting. Good work, though.
16.04.04 01:28
Post #27
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oh my gosh.....i'm talking about illegally done drugs....give me a break.....if hospital drugs is your only point than give it a rest!
16.04.04 02:02
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Quoted :: igotworms

well how is shortening your life different from dying fast....all it is is your dying

you guys are a little mixed up.....if you do drugs you can either, overdose and die, or use responsibly (which is pretty much and die 20 years earlier than you would if you didn't do drugs...doesn't make much sense to do drugs does it!

I said maybe just shortening your life-span. That means if I smoke 40 a day I'd perhaps be taking a few minutes of my life away each day. That's not like taking an overdose of some dangerous drug and dying immediately. If you use drugs responsibly and carefully in moderation then not much is going to go wrong. If you know what you're doing then you're probably safe. Like anon said, I like to think all drugs have a perpose and can be used to their full extent.

And Glenn, did you actually see your friend get run over by a train? If so I'm sorry that you had to witness such a gruesome moment.

16.04.04 09:18
Post #29
Last edited: 16.04.04 09:21 (SPAZ - 1 times) [WWW] [Hide Sig (10)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I don't think he said it was his friend, but if it is thats harsh man... it is sad anyway, and docta, the cafe looks great.
16.04.04 11:17
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