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I asked this question in the map forum but I didnt get any reply yet and i think the forums dead.
Anyway ive read 2 tutorials and tried making a 2 colour gif and using bitmonkey on a colour image but both times it only shows solid colours, greys go to the closest color black or white so shades dont exist and there are lots of things missing from my picture. Also.. I want to make maps out of other pictures (ie. anime) but i tried and it took me an hour to cut out one small picture and it looked terrible, how do other people do this?
08.03.04 16:44
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try useing a decent proggy
and saveing it as png
if u use either photoshop or fireworks, u can use the magicwand tool, select the annoying pixely areas and delete it

08.03.04 19:53
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just save it as a grey style png? if so how do i turn that into a .bit for wwp?
08.03.04 20:25
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i was talking about in colour
but, if u want everything in b/w(no grey)
u could edit the brightness and constarst or soemthing

08.03.04 21:29
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Make sure that anything you want to not show up in the map (usually darker colors such as outlines), that they are the regular black in paint. Otherwise, the image will never come out correctly.
08.03.04 22:37
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Or don't use the bitmonkey to import it into the game stupid..put it into the Import directory.
09.03.04 04:33
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ahh i think it was only the preview that was only shoting the pure white objects, when i made the map everything else just appeared... anyway i made a map but for some reason it had the yellow/red striped boarder at the top and there were holes in objects with small bridges in it. what went wrong?
09.03.04 07:04
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you might want to make sure there's a good amount of space being used in the map, and you might want put the water level down and have the bridges and objects at 1. As for the indistructable border, you cant color outside the map box or it will do that.

09.03.04 07:21
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well i had plenty of space and water/objects was both set to 1, not sure what u mean by color outside of the map, i set the resolution to what it said on tutorial then turned it into .bit with bitmonkey, never edited anything after i loaded it either :(
09.03.04 08:22
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what i meant by color outside map meant that say you use the terrain editor in the game and you use the brush to make the ground. And then you use the brush against the edge of the map making space...

09.03.04 08:41
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show us the map.
09.03.04 21:23
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ok well i went back in and made sure that everything was at least 1px from the edge of the map, loaded into a bit... went to play and still have the boarder at the top :( i also noticed on other peoples maps that the ground starts right on the edge, i dont get what im doing wrong. in bitmonkey settings are bridges 1, objects 1, water 0, boarder no, soil manhattan.

An image!
09.03.04 22:07
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Er... nice map... I think. Anyway, try moving everything in another few pixels, and then another few, until the map works properly. Remember, ONE stray pixel is all it takes to screw over a map, and that pixel can be BARELY off black.
09.03.04 22:48
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what exactly is a stray pixel? what does it mess up a map?
09.03.04 23:22
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A stray pixel is a single pixel that's all by itself. And it screws up the map, because if it is within the range where borders are forced, guess what? It forces the borders (NOOOOOOOOOOOOO....). Their also incredably hard to find if their close to the background color. So be careful out there. Oh, and a good basic width away from the borders is about 10 pixels.
10.03.04 02:31
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