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thx c1 4 the advice.
i hope that my sig will turn out ok

17.02.04 11:39
Post #91
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
[]The Pope
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Learn to look, look to learn.
17.02.04 11:42
Post #92
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that is rather random of you
what made u to make somehting with such randomness?

17.02.04 11:44
Post #93
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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igw's random sig competition.

Learn to look, look to learn.
17.02.04 12:43
Post #94
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An image!

An image!

An image!

An image!

An image!

17.02.04 13:45
Post #95
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I like all the random code stuff, mainly this oneAn image!

This one is cool

17.02.04 13:59
Post #96
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heh just made a new siggie
An image!
my 1st blood affects ever, was quite hard

and wishmaster, i perfer ur pervious sig u had on out of all of those

17.02.04 16:11
Post #97
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

is v cool harry, and igw, you've kinda copied me in ur sig, underneath you've got a kamikaze worm, and i already had that for my pre-sig

An image!
17.02.04 18:15
Post #98
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lol sry bout that.....i was trying to get it to be animated.....(didn't work obviously lol)

great sigs wish! great job! i still like your older one before the colorful one (you know which one i'm talking about?)

gj harry :)
17.02.04 20:16
Post #99
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thx squelchy and IGW
more blood affected sigworms 2 come

17.02.04 20:25
Post #100
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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An image!

after seeing those bloode affects you spurred me on to make that.

I might make it my avatar, but im not sure, i feel kind of sorry for the worm.
17.02.04 21:55
Post #101
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nice one!
but it takes 4ever 2 restart the loop, i thaught it was a static img

17.02.04 22:05
Post #102
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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dude that is sick!(in more ways than one)
make it repeat though :)
17.02.04 22:28
Post #103
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it is set 2 repet, just takes a long time 2 start over

18.02.04 13:02
Post #104
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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An image!
Very basicly made sig, Could almost of been the "P" word job.

18.02.04 14:30
Post #105
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