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wow! 64 ram??!?!
24.01.04 16:44
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

seriously i NEED to upgrade. so need to wait a bit for nu mobo and processor. but could i get more RAM and a new graffixs card before that anyway? and where could i get this all from?

An image!
25.01.04 19:41
Post #17
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are you just upgrading? using the same monitor and stuff? or just getting a completely new pc?
25.01.04 20:06
Post #18
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[]The Pope
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He's upgrading. Same monitor and ekyboard and mouse and speakers AFAIK. The innards are being replaced...

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25.01.04 20:09
Post #19
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isn't there a point a pc can be upgraded to? or is he replacing EVERYTHING?
25.01.04 20:18
Post #20
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[]The Pope
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Not really. I think it just all depends on the motherboard "mobo".

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25.01.04 20:19
Post #21
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o ok...cuz when i was looking in a Dell magazine it gave you a certain "upgradable" memory....ex. pc with 128 mb ram that can be upgraded to 516 mb.....get it?
25.01.04 22:41
Post #22
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all depends on ur mobo, get a new mobo and u shud be able to upgrade a lot of your other components.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
25.01.04 23:22
Post #23
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kk i got it .....btw thanks for explaining hard disks and stuff....i never really got how it worked
26.01.04 02:40
Post #24
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IGW, that dell thing was wierd.

the memory upgradablity depends on the number of "dimm" slots on yer mobo.

for example 2 dimm slots, you could have

2x 128mb ram = 256 mb ram
1x 128mb ram = 128 mb ram
2x 512mb ram = 1024mb ram
2x 1gig ram = 2 gig of ram

and so the list goes on.

most mobos have 3 or so dimm slots these days, mine has 2

edit: had a big conversation with mcphee last night. We discussed alot.

the upgradablily of yer mobo is really the key, th enew processors are like 400mhz + fsb, so if ure comp is old like his, the newer processors wont work in it.

like my celeron mobo wont really take a p4 even though its an intel board.
26.01.04 11:01
Post #25
Last edited: 26.01.04 11:03 (The Wishmaster - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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oo you could take the 128 out and put two 516's in..

backt o scquelchy....
he might have to get a new motherboard too?
how much are those?
26.01.04 17:32
Post #26
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Not that much at all.

Oh and I advise u to get this card squelchy:
I'm getting it. It's dirt cheap and of high quality! Especially when u consider that a usual 256MB card costs around £125

Learn to look, look to learn.
26.01.04 17:35
Post #27
Last edited: 26.01.04 17:36 (The Pope - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
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hehe, i c you like the card i found for you then pope!

BTW ppl if u wnt hardware stuff at gud prices just tell me and ill find some for ya.
26.01.04 17:47
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

well i got an idea im my mind of what i want. just comes to making sure it WILL work and getting the gear. and flick back a page igw, i want to get rid of most of the stuff in my PC

An image!
26.01.04 20:05
Post #29
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hey dreameater, what are the core and memory clock speeds in thaty card.
27.01.04 21:07
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