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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

well this isn't really anything to with art but you guys seem the best people to ask. we are gonna upgrade our comp(my family and i(but mainly me)) and i wanted to know if you know any like good things to put in it. like combinations of processor and ram and stuff. well thanks. and if it sounds confusing explain what you mean fully!

An image!
22.01.04 17:43
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[]The Pope
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What is ur spending budget?

That's always helpful for graphic card search helping ppl.

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22.01.04 17:45
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

ummm i think £500 quid max i think thats all together. is that enough? or do i need more?

An image!
22.01.04 17:49
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ahh pounds....i don't know pounds (a whole lot) if i remember correctly it is 1.5 pounds per dollar? if that is true you can probably get a decent computer for that..(750 dollars) dell has some pretty good deals....
22.01.04 18:05
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

hmmm, but we might be able to make a super computer for the same amount. but i'll check to see what they got.

An image!
22.01.04 19:49
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ahh so you want to buy very good parts and put it together yourself! lol i wish i could do that.....i don't understand how PCs work so i don't think i'd be able to put one together (other than plug the monitor into the tower and into the wall lol)

*off topic (sort of)*
does anyone care to explain how images, documents, files, and folders are physically stored in the hard drive? is it with magnets? or something like that?!
22.01.04 20:26
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a hard drive is a stack of plastic disc coated with a metal oxide (magnesium i believe)

Each layer has a little head which magnetises bits of it to encode the binary data. This is why it is important to shud down correctly, otherwise the head will not be locked into a secure position and could damage the disc surface. Also why a crash is called a crash - the head used to physically 'crash' into the HD's disc.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
22.01.04 23:53
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ahh the head reads the patterns of metal oxide on the disks to open the image or something?
23.01.04 00:06
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

wow thats pretty confusing. hmmm so does your hard drive mess up forever if you crash.
does it mean that it wont ever work properly?:?

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23.01.04 09:29
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assuming you just looking at inside your comp.

I reckin a few new piecees outghta do ds trick

maybe a athlon 2500XP? that will be bout 1.8GHZ, they also overclock nicely soim told. up to the speed of the triple the price 3200XP

they are ony 70 pounds aswell.

a nice mobo aill cost u roughly 100
as will a hard drive.

You will probs need some ram aswell.

you should post your current specs.

BTW a pentium 4 is gonna eat your budget for breackfast!

I think AMD may be changing soon aswell, i was imformed by a tech forum ( techIMO ) that now was NOT a good time to be upgrading.

in a few months 500 will get you alot!

23.01.04 09:35
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

er... why yop post this thread in blame the art?
when i first time see it i though that is new sig competition:):)
23.01.04 12:54
Post #11
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/me enters the scene again to give mcphee an excuse.

He wants his computer to be more powerful so he can create store and edit images quickkly and easily.

He felt like it.

He is dumb

He forgot where he was.

He likes games, games have art.

omit as appropriate.
23.01.04 13:39
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[]The Pope
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Speaking of new computer parts, if my AGP card or what ever it is doesn't match up to the Far Cry requirements, how much would one with 64MB cost?

Learn to look, look to learn.
23.01.04 16:21
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

well if you read the beginnig i said i trust you guys more and think you might know a it more. and pope i dont know at all. so when would be a good time to upgrade?
EDIT: these are my specs:

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23.01.04 20:49
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new mobo
new processor
new case + psu fan etc
new ram

but as i told you, things are changing.
23.01.04 21:06
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