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Not online within the last half an hour photoshop it is just glow....i guess there is probably a plugin for that.....
17.01.04 23:26
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oh i never knew psp8 had a glow tool. You'll have to show me how to access this tool later readme.
19.01.04 04:08
Post #32
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me nether i better try it out unless you mean the pink or green neon glow...
19.01.04 16:19
Post #33
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it shoudl do, but i dont use many build in PSP tools these days, get 3rd party plugins - much better. Have a look on google for xenofex, alienskin 4000, axion flare affects is good, as in this andromeda 3D plugin i have.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
19.01.04 23:16
Post #34
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with these plugins, u can just import them to psp?
20.01.04 04:13
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see... all them sigs are sweet and mine is just n00b:oops:

25.01.04 23:59
Post #36
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your's isn't that bad! (find good fonts though ;) )
26.01.04 02:37
Post #37
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uh about these plug ins...

do any work for psp5?

lol i used that for my current sig. the glow was achived through doing a new layer for the text then jumping down a layey, then using the "lighten" tool to sort of make the bg lighter there, and more so towards the inside. It looks like a glow, no?
26.01.04 11:08
Post #38
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dude that sig is pretty hot...i like the "glow" effect you did! GJ!
26.01.04 17:22
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Yes, me too. Very nice wish.
26.01.04 19:13
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