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ok, squiz can u provide a screeny of what you mean by breaking the quotes? originally your quotes had white text, but not anymore.

And the inherits are to make sure the div takes the styles set in the presig, as opposed to the div styles specified by the stylesheet.

EDIT: i hated the markup on that Philby site, so i went and redid your menu in glorious XHTML with CSS2 (and a bit of 3)

tada. Feel free to use it.

EDIT 2: Just to clarify, XHTML isn't just about meeting the validation rules, it's about separating presentation and design, a menu is a list of links, and so it should be marked up as a list etc. It's all about semantics, throwing in extra elements to pull off CSS tricks is valid, but it's bad XHMTL. Also - you never really need that many hooks.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
14.12.03 12:36
Post #31
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Hey, thanks. I'll try putting that code in (time to rework the menu functions anyway). Might need a few tweaks to work in IE but I'll be careful. I'm only just getting used to separating content + presentation properly, recently my solution to any problem's been "add another div"...:roll:
14.12.03 21:01
Post #32
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I think it was Zogger... never mind :S

An image!

15.12.03 00:03
Post #33
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talk about a fucked up post.
And this is so off topic, its unbelievable. Funny how the mods arent locking THIS THREAD
15.12.03 09:13
Post #34
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hmmm gud point Wish

15.12.03 20:09
Post #35
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all your posts are belong to spam

DreamEater set up us the lock!


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
16.12.03 10:45
Post #36
[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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ah, why was this locked??


yeah, didn't think it was me lol, which browser was that in, cos i never got it on my screen...

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
16.12.03 18:53
Post #37
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Quoted :: ReadMe

ah, why was this locked??


yeah, didn't think it was me lol, which browser was that in, cos i never got it on my screen...

cos its turned into off topic shite.

thats why.

Also it turned into offtopic shite because of the admins who are supposed to lock offtopic shite.
16.12.03 20:32
Post #38
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the topic is weee... difficult to go off topic there.

And i can be quoted as saying, thread will not generally be locked for going off topic - unless it's pointless off topic chat (ie. weather) in this case it's constructive off topic chat which is fine in my book.

Threads will always be locked for breach of forum rules however.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
16.12.03 21:02
Post #39
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the topic was however, Is thier anything i can make for you people ( ie us )

but hey whatever, your the moderators
16.12.03 21:21
Post #40
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And we continued the topic of err... making things. And erm... coding is art so we're in the right forum. :roll:

Anyway if you're interested I've nearly got the navbar sorted on my local copy. It didn't help that I kept writing code like this:\n
return "
  • $label
  • n";
    \nand then staring at the screen for some time wondering what I'd done.
    I'm just glad I haven't shown you the old page design. The one with about a hundred <td>s.
    16.12.03 21:31
    Post #41
    Last edited: 20.12.03 20:41 (tundraH - 5 times) [] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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    why do quotes only circle around the Q? It never used to be like this before and now they are. And i keep getting anoyed by this and can read the psot
    16.12.03 22:18
    Post #42
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    quotes are broken then :|

    Quoted :: C1
    why do quotes only circle around the Q? It never used to be like this before and now they are. And i keep getting anoyed by this and can read the psot


    Quoted :: Bloopy

    Quoted :: thomasp
    I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
    What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
    17.12.03 04:10
    Post #43
    [Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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    im soooooo gonna have fun next time you lock a thread for being offtopic, you people
    17.12.03 14:16
    Post #44
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    how are you gona have fun???
    17.12.03 17:27
    Post #45
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