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I can make you guy's things if you want...

12.12.03 03:46
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I'll have a coke, then.
12.12.03 03:59
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Butt Cheek
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dang i cant think of anything... when im feeling especially creative ill post a request.

12.12.03 05:02
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make me a worm flying in a little airplane type thing
12.12.03 08:10
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Uh, maybe you can be more specific or MS Paint a draft or whatever you want to do.

12.12.03 09:37
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Make me a log on screen for xp. I want a worm in the bottom right and it has to be dark. There are five people log onto my comp and i hate scrollbars. Id particularly like a fancy bue black transition patterny type thing :D Hope im not asking for much
12.12.03 10:34
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You want me to keep the standard Win XP layout, except with different colors? and a Worm on the bottom right?

12.12.03 19:23
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make a new btp layout. Not sure but i think you use css coding. Anyway. I would like a christmas theme one with a red/green/white background and lots of christamssy things in it plz. thanks.
12.12.03 20:45
Post #8
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yeah squirrel u got it. Have the logon icons on the top left and some sort of groovy black pic as the baclground with a worm on the bottom right.

Hope it provides a challenge, but probs not if u made that winamp skin yerself
12.12.03 21:35
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Quoted :: The Wishmaster

Hope it provides a challenge, but probs not if u made that winamp skin yerself

lol. You might want to look at the top user-rated skin on

Got any apathy cures?
12.12.03 21:52
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Quoted :: tundraH

Quoted :: The Wishmaster

Hope it provides a challenge, but probs not if u made that winamp skin yerself

lol. You might want to look at the top user-rated skin on

Got any apathy cures?

I told someone that it was the top rated Winamp skin.
But do you think I don't know how to photoshop? -_-

Quoted :: SPAZ

make a new btp layout. Not sure but i think you use css coding. Anyway. I would like a christmas theme one with a red/green/white background and lots of christamssy things in it plz. thanks.

I can CSS, but I don't feel like typing a few strings, how about I make the GFX, and you put them in?

12.12.03 22:00
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it's a tad more complex than that, as each design has it's own HTML.

You can set styles and layout but you'll have to leave spaces for menu content and rightbar. Zogger can sort it out from that i guess :P

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
12.12.03 23:00
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I took another winamp skin and made the thing I use if anyone wants it:

An image!

13.12.03 07:15
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very nice. Does that window appear for quotes?

Learn to look, look to learn.
13.12.03 08:22
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I can make you guy's things if you want...

hmm, guy's things? what are they then?

edit: nah pope, I think that was for your post in general if you wanted it. (that's you in the impersonal sense, ie one).

It is possible, however, to style your posts quotes - I believe.


should be styled

hurrah. I put a div with it's own class and a little stylesheet in my presig, then a /div in the sig.
The div's class is zogpost and the quote's class is quote, therefore putting .zogpost .quote{border: 3px groove blue} should do that..., as long as the stylesheet is all on one line.

You know I'm a dancing machine
13.12.03 11:20
Post #15
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