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As you may/may not have noticed, there's some holly floating about in the corner.

Basically i threw it together in about 5 mins with a google image and a bit of absolute positioning so i'm taking submissions for other ways to bring us into the festive season.

At least we've done slightly better than, who's idea of a festive theme is a bit of snow on their logo :)

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
09.12.03 15:16
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yes i have seen it and a n job but maby a bit more things? ill post it here if i make anything ok?
09.12.03 15:18
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I don't know if the holly covers the menu in your design in Mozilla, but it does in Opera & IE.. :P

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09.12.03 16:15
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An image!

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09.12.03 16:24
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nice maby ill make sumthing
09.12.03 16:26
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only where would u put that pope?

09.12.03 16:40
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I have no idea but it can be shrunk and placed anywhere really...

**scans the page to have a look for suitable site**

I'm guessing somewhere on the index page...

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09.12.03 16:44
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i just absolutely positioned it into the top right corner, on ulrra compact it covers home and user news, but ah well - who cares?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
09.12.03 17:18
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got another for you.

An image!

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09.12.03 17:19
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nice, make the beard fluffier.

09.12.03 19:26
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Slightly Edited:An image!

Learn to look, look to learn.
09.12.03 19:38
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how about some flashin lights around da edge?

im no gud with animation or anything picture orientated otherwise i would make it myself
09.12.03 20:15
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I wouldn't want anything over the top like flashing lights. There's not really room for much either:-/

09.12.03 21:07
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!
I don't know if the holly covers the menu in your design in Mozilla, but it does in Opera & IE.. :P

Quoted :: ReadMe
...but ah well - who cares?

It doesn't look very good at all covering the menu like that, and I've been meaning to tell you but haven't the chance until now. I dunno where it'd look good since each layout is different... you'd almost have to change every layout to make a festive look.
10.12.03 00:52
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or here's an idea, som1 make a holiday design and ne1 that wants to can switch to it.

10.12.03 00:57
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