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deffininelty a good idea, optiss popes worm could easily replace the 2 beside ure name at the top no?
10.12.03 12:14
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maybe we should make it possible to drag the holly around the screen so it's notin the way.

You know I'm a dancing machine
11.12.03 11:31
Post #17
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sounds fun. U could make many a christmas item movable for an instant create your own christmas btp fun thing!
11.12.03 13:23
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hmm, ok then - I'll do it now.

Meh, the drag and drop script i found is IE only, and cos IE uses a stupid DOM, i cant easily convert it to work in Moz and Opera, so i wont bother.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
11.12.03 19:43
Post #19
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k. then I'll do it ;)

the joys of dynamic drive when you can't be bothered to do the less specialised script yourself.

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11.12.03 22:41
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i used dynamic drive lol, where was the X browser one???

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
11.12.03 22:44
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meh, no idea. I used this ages ago (before btp, and maybe before the PBA) for a little drag and drop worms scene - you select an obect (eg worms in various positions, crosshairs), click the . Never finished it tho unfortunately, just couldn't be bothered to convert all the images. heh.

You know I'm a dancing machine
11.12.03 22:49
Post #22
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sweet that drag and drop thing is kinda kool. i gotta suggestion right how about makin a skin that is completely drag and drop so u can decided where u want the links and the word association and stuff
11.12.03 23:13
Post #23
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hmm nice draggin i think ill drag it right into the post. An image!
and btw dream are you serious about the "skin" have fun making it :roll:

11.12.03 23:19
Post #24
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yer im serious but only if its possible and with my pc i cant make it. coz my pc is stugglin to run 2 ie browsers at the same time! but im gettin a new pc in a few months so when i get a new pc i shall learn all the tricks and stuff! *hopes*
11.12.03 23:23
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It would be possible but you'd have to drag it on every page...

You know I'm a dancing machine
12.12.03 18:37
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when the holly and zogger's sig fell in love
An image!
th sucky quality is because the bmp was too big.

12.12.03 19:18
Post #27
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This isn't related to christmas but I had a look at the "Link To Us" page, thought I would make one...

An image!

I call it Under Above.

And here's another one:

An image!

Learn to look, look to learn.
13.12.03 14:03
Post #28
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:) I'll add the second one, but the first looks a little like it says GEP atm.

You know I'm a dancing machine
13.12.03 19:15
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[]The Pope
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Thanx for putting it up. I've now edited the first one...

An image!

Learn to look, look to learn.
13.12.03 21:09
Post #30
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