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Butt Cheek
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I need, well want, to have the shockwave plug in in firebird. I've tried tons of things including going to specific sites that are supposed to let me get it. when i install it it doesnt ask me where i want to. and it installs it who knows where. its really annoying that half the games on the web are shockwave and im about ready to get it. thanks.

and while we're at it, i, like an idiot, installed this firebird theme that looked like it would be sweet and it sucks. its the ugliest thing ive ever seen. and it wont even let me install others. Is there any way to get the default theme back?

O wait (p.p.s is uppose) i downloaded the wa frontend for wwp by ethocryptic i think. Its a sweet theme but im getting tired of it. im also gonna buy wa and the two wa themes are too much for one computer eh? Is there any way to get rid of it and bring back the wwp frontendi miss?

well if any1 could help me with any of those that would be sweet. thank you.

08.12.03 16:51
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Before you install plugins

Did you use the Mozilla Firebird Installer?
If you didn't, you need to add some information to the system registry. If you did use the installer, you can skip this, as the installer doesit for you.

If you unzipped Mozilla Firebird in C:\Program Files\MozillaFirebird, just download this registry file (alt-click to save) and apply it.

If you unzipped to somewhere other than C:\Program Files\MozillaFirebird, full instructions are here.

For the rest of this FAQ, it is assumed that you have these registry entries present.

(Then the Shockwave link is , Flash is )

And the other stuff. You should be able to uninstall themes in Tools > Options > Themes, but if not then you can just delete the file for it (I think it's in the chrome folder, I'll just go check).
The best way to get rid of the new frontend graphics (if you didn't back up the old ones) is probably to just back up your teams file and reinstall WWP.

edit - MozDev's relative links...
08.12.03 17:05
Post #2
Last edited: 08.12.03 20:54 (tundraH - 2 times) [] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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to get rid of the wa for wwp thingy, run the thing again but you must of done make a backup option.

08.12.03 17:09
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here is what u do, get the installer thingy, when it says which browser u want to install it for or where do u want to install it go into ur mozilla firebird folder, and then go into plugins and click save here or wot eva. that should do it!

Learn to look, look to learn.
08.12.03 17:35
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I fixed the firebird problem by adding a new profile and deleting the old one. thanks for the help.

for the frontend duh i cant believe i didnt think of reinstalling, []OPTiSSiMUS$1hits himself.

The shockwave installer still doesnt work though. It just installs without asking me where to install it to. then it goes to some random folder and firebird doesnt recognize it.

08.12.03 18:25
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Did you apply the registry patch? Which folder is Firebird installed to?
08.12.03 18:46
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er... no. and its installed in a folder called junk on my desktop lol. what is this registry patch?

08.12.03 18:51
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To get most plugins to work, you need to do one of two things:

1 - (easiest option) Get the unofficial installer from Install again, and it will do the stuff below for you.

2 - Put the text below in a file called firebird.reg. Change the paths (using the double slashes) so that they match yours. Save the file and double-click it.



[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firebird]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firebird\bin]
"PathToExe"="C:\\program files\\MozillaFirebird\\MozillaFirebird.exe"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firebird\Extensions]
"Plugins"="C:\\Program Files\\MozillaFirebird\\Plugins"
"Components"="C:\\Program Files\\MozillaFirebird\\Components"

08.12.03 21:37
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i cant find firebird.reg, and the installer is just code. am i supposed to put this somewhere or what?

Quoted :: installer

; Installer script
; $Id: installer.nsi,v 1.5 2003/08/10 22:23:18 seb Exp $
; Us

chShortcut} \

; Include the functions

!include "${SCRIPTDIR}${SCRIPTNAME}.functions.nsh"

; eof

08.12.03 23:05
Post #9
Last edited: 09.12.03 15:27 (OPTiSSiMUS - 1 times) [Dont go here] [Hide Sig (3)] [Profile] [Quote]
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09.12.03 08:09
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I asked three questions, i got three answers and they all worked. thank to every1 especially tundrah. Everything is fixed.

09.12.03 15:43
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great im happy 4 you even though i did'nt post u a helpfull post :(
09.12.03 15:48
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your welcome, i'm glad it worked

hmm... ;)
10.12.03 17:05
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lol pmp

so that installer made it so my computer recognizes firebird as a browser or what?

10.12.03 21:15
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basially it adding firebird to the system registry, note that you shouldn't really do it that way if you already use the mozilla suite, as it just uses ur plugins folder from that.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
10.12.03 21:21
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