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im gonna buy i new gfx card i think,

so for approx £200 any hints tips suggestions would be more than usefull, i have no idea what im looking for, what good or bad etc.

in general i want performance......
30.11.03 15:04
Post #1
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meh u live on scotland so u might have a watford electronics or even a savastore but they deliver so dont worry too much but this is the gfx card that im getting for my new pc i think its quite gud

GeForce FX5600 Ultra 256Mb PowerPack/780 XP Pro - Click To View It - £139.83
30.11.03 15:20
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Not online within the last half an hour is always good for PC bits have a gander.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
30.11.03 18:58
Post #3
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k, but thing is, i DONT KNOW what im actually looking for in a gfx card!

if i knew what was good or bad that would be useful
30.11.03 20:03
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I think delivers to scotland. It's got loads of stuff from games to gfx cards.
30.11.03 20:03
Post #5
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i dont kno what im lookin for ina gfx card either i just went on memory coz i have found in da past that the more memory/ram u have the better it runs so the one i suggested is quite good really and watford electronics, the one im lookin at is based in luton, bedfordshire just down the road from me and they do deliver to scotland so u in luck, gl in finding what u wnt
30.11.03 20:24
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I think delivers to scotland

lol, scotland isnt some remote island or anytthing, we do have post and stuff...

01.12.03 17:21
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yea i figured that but it is another country u c so different rules apply about postin

Did my earlyer post help you at all wish?

READ BELOW FIRST: id just like to say its not my creation i got it from a friend i kno so i cannot claim to makin it
01.12.03 19:32
Post #8
Last edited: 01.12.03 19:38 (XxDreamEaterxX - 2 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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wow, just like to say, even tho this is unrelated, fucking awesome avatar dreameater! very funny

Learn to look, look to learn.
01.12.03 19:35
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wooow... what can i say?

What the hell are u talking about?!8O
sorry for that.,., ZzZzZ

01.12.03 19:51
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I'd check CCL - > System Components > Graphics Card. They often have some fairly good prices but watch the delivery costs.

Quoted :: XxDreamEaterxX

yea i figured that but it is another country u c so different rules apply about postin
It's not a different country. Some laws just seem to act like it is, that's all.
01.12.03 22:13
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well, actually it is a different country. To the outside world it's a bit of the UK, but scot gernally dont like the english, there's a bitter sporting rivalry between the team in most international sports and scotland has a separate parliament and can make laws independantly of england.

Having said that, border control is very lax and it costs a 26p stamp to send a letter from cornwall to wick.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
01.12.03 22:54
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lol i woulda thought ud have to pay like international costs coz its a dif country. Any how WishMaster how u getting on with the gfx findin u got ne u like yet?
02.12.03 21:56
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i still dont know what im looking for tbh, i have no idea, + i forgo to pick up ma money on monday so :P
03.12.03 14:44
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lol ok well ur best bet is to go somewhere like pc world or a inderpendent pc company and ask them what are the best things to have on a gfx card and ask them to recommend a couple
03.12.03 18:30
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