
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms 3D Discussion » iCE, iCE, mAYBE

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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

you went onto the telegraph poles? Why not just kill em with yer zooks n' nades...?

what? you didnt get anything in 'Ice, Ice, Maybe', so you only got what you collected (grates/freeze).

the first time i played i ended up by the wires, but i didnt know what i was even suppose to do and i think i fell through the wires when i jumped on them.
10.11.03 01:51
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He wasn't talking about Ice, Ice... he was taliking about Helter Skelter :P

You know I'm a dancing machine
10.11.03 16:59
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That 'wormy' guy.....
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I can do this mission in 3 turns 8)

11.02.04 20:11
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look at the datres between posts.
12.02.04 09:10
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