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[]The Pope
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i need help with one of the missions on teh gamecube version of the game. The lvl is called ice ice maybe. maybe a link to a good tutorial site or jsut a quick run through of what to do. and doesnt anyone feel sad for those dying sheep?

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08.11.03 21:23
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i just got done playing it. took me 4 or 5 tries to get gold. I'm on PC, but it should be the same.

drop down to your right and in the side of the mountain there are 2 freezes. use those while you do this: make your way toward the switch and turn right and go to the crate furthest from you. that's 2 girders. come back the way you came so you're facing the front of the building with the switch. place a girder. it should be high enough so Boggy Pete can't hit you. place a second girder closer to the building. then just jump yo ass on to the switch and you're done.
08.11.03 21:49
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Pope, u got it 4 gc? that sucks.

08.11.03 21:51
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no, i didnt. my m8 did...anyway meh. and could someone make the walkthrough a bit clearer and out it in big, red, starry bullet points.

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08.11.03 21:57
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08.11.03 22:16
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they got this thing called 'no worms3d faqs' yet.
08.11.03 22:24
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They're not red and starry but,

  • Collect all the crates. Use Freeze if it takes you more then one turn.

  • Go back to near the beginning and use the girders to make a bridge to the hut.

  • If you need to move with the girder selected, press the secondary fire key (this is Backspace on the PC, can't remember Gamecube).

  • Walk/jump over the girders, through the hut, and onto the switch. The fridge goes on and the water freezes over. Success.

Another tip - if you use darksideish tactics and stay close to land all the time, the CPU is less likely to get you.
08.11.03 22:50
Post #7
Last edited: 08.11.03 22:52 (tundraH - 1 times) [] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i found it a waste to get the crate that was the second closest to you as it only contains one 'freeze' and wastes time. you aren't going to get gold that way (or at least, it'd be harder).
08.11.03 23:01
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tundrah, thats how u did it?

IIRC, i simply went around the WHOLE thing and used girders to help me cross the electric wire going from the fridge to the switch :)
09.11.03 06:17
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yeh I went round the whole thing too and got a gold. I'm not sure if I even used a girder.

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09.11.03 11:08
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thanx ppl! done it! Now just gotta work out how to avoid air strike while on the telegraph poles on helter skelter.

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09.11.03 12:10
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you went onto the telegraph poles? Why not just kill em with yer zooks n' nades...?

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09.11.03 12:24
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I never had to use girders in Ice Ice Maybe. I walked on the tiny rope thing from the fridge to the button.
09.11.03 12:45
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yeh I think the girder was for the jumping between the islands without the elegraph poles, but you can just use a parachute...

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09.11.03 13:52
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i just grabbed the freeze then ran along the pipe and across the phone poles, did it in about 3 turns, as for helter skelter just head straight up the slide and get to the top first go, then head down killing the worms with zook as u go.

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09.11.03 23:39
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