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vn sword but that is a bit crapy sry 2 say well da werm and hair is (no ofens right?) and pope's made me a sig and im not preuring him 2 make another :D
03.11.03 14:03
Post #16
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03.11.03 14:08
Post #17
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so will any1 make me it? or another?

[edit] has any1 seen a anime cartoon called outlaw star? if any1 has can sum1 plz make me a sig of that guy jean? or if not tidus will do ;)
03.11.03 16:48
Post #18
Last edited: 04.11.03 17:05 (XxfuzzballxX - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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An image!

There you go.
05.11.03 21:41
Post #19
Last edited: 05.11.03 21:42 (Knifa - 1 times) [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
Butt Cheek
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first, no offense but its not that good, and second you really should get over putting "knifa" on everything. I mean its his sig man...

06.11.03 01:37
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knifa, put "knifa" on my avatar for meh...
06.11.03 02:07
Post #21
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wait, what? your avatar has been that stoned looking worm for as long as i can remember.

06.11.03 02:14
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oh, sweet, i didnt know it looked stoned. hmm... guess it sorta does. maybe if you were high and... hmm... nvm.

i asked for knifa to do that so that'd be one more thing with "knifa" on it since you were complaining about him putting "knifa" on everything, as a joke. nvm about it now, knifa.
06.11.03 03:48
Post #23
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ooo i get is now u were speaking in the imperative not in the perfect (i know Pope knows what im talking about) as in you are telling knifa to make the avatar, i thought that you were saying the he put knifa on it for u...
funny joke but i completly ruined it :D

btw, has ne1 else wondered what routine_error's avatar worm looks like without the picture being so zoomed in? now u know:
An image!
yep, the other worms make fun of him. ;)

06.11.03 03:50
Post #24
Last edited: 06.11.03 04:01 (OPTiSSiMUS - 2 times) [Dont go here] [Hide Sig (3)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i can remove it... ¬_¬ so.. shush

k. i removed the knifa

An image!

Link is:
06.11.03 15:23
Post #25
Last edited: 06.11.03 15:31 (Knifa - 4 times) [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

n i might try making one seeing as final fantasy games are great! i will get on it right away!:D

An image!
06.11.03 17:53
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how do you like this fuzz?
An image!
link is
08.11.03 23:44
Post #27
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i like the landscape..crappy worm
09.11.03 00:26
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you meant the lanscape he got off google ;) the worm isnt that bad u just cant see it. it would be better on a darker landscape imo.

09.11.03 02:47
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Quoted :: OPTiSSiMUS

ooo i get is now u were speaking in the imperative not in the perfect (i know Pope knows what im talking about)

heh, took me ages to work out which post you were talking about, but yeh, I only know what the Imperative and Perfect are because of German, we were never actually taught about our own grammar in english, not basic construct thingies anyway.

If it weren't for the German A-level, I'd never know what continuous present was.

Oh yeh, and that's er.. subjunctive I think. ^^
Either that or I am being wrong &lt-- passive. lol.

You know I'm a dancing machine
09.11.03 10:54
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