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i know i have a sig but i was just looking at psymon's sig made by pope and was wondering if any1 would mind making me a sig like what u think i would look like as a worm (and if sum1 does do this plz nothing with hair on da werm or sumpt like that :P)
02.11.03 15:29
Post #1
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heh, i've done a quick one:

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
02.11.03 17:52
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lol n but becouse ma name is fuzzball or short fuzzy has nothing 2 do with fuzz or blur :D
02.11.03 17:59
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meh, fuzzy, ballish shaped, = fuzzball worm.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
02.11.03 18:26
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yep v true :) and im serious will any1 make me 1?:D
02.11.03 18:47
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If you were to post a picture of how the worm should look, then do so. maybe some character off final fantasy or pokemon. u need to give something to the artists if u wanna something back.

Learn to look, look to learn.
02.11.03 18:48
Post #6
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yea i would but i dont know how 2 put pictures up here im afaid... will any1 tell me?

[edit] went on FFX and thought a werm wit his jacket and sord might bve kinnda cool and his doing a flick with da sord or sump like that but if any1 thinx of another better 1 plz tell me ok :D
03.11.03 08:45
Post #7
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that would be cool
03.11.03 10:42
Post #8
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An image! thid dude id tidus sry couldent get a bigger pic
03.11.03 10:42
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I'm gonna make one but dont be angry if its shite

ok done

An image!
LMAO. ok took me 10 minutes but i think it looks buzzin.
if u want me to do a background i can or someone else can if they want.

edit: I think i might have to do some more hair
03.11.03 12:39
Post #10
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An image! ok bit better wouldnt you say? Now all i must do is a good background.
03.11.03 13:03
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lol hardley looks like tidus. he needs his blue sword he got of wakka.

03.11.03 13:12
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ok ill do a blu sword.
03.11.03 13:14
Post #13
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the sword and jacket are what i want most sry funny tho :D
03.11.03 13:14
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An image! how about that then? I 'll try and do a jacket aswell.

edit: might not be able to do a jacket because not much space. Ask pope if u dont like mine. :o
03.11.03 13:43
Post #15
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