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Only hours after the original Earth's distruction Zogger was captured. Slaya did countless tests to see why he could do such a thing when usually Zogger was soo great. Then when we thought we just couldnt find the answer Slaya noticed there was some kind of drug in was PCP! So the reason Zogger killed all those incident people was because he was drugged...but by whom?

Sirprisingly, the answer was to be found in a little...

...cave where the zogger's arc nemesis lived. So Slaya, Zogger and C1 went to the cave in a...

...large talkin gondola under the name of "Pixel Slayer." So called because zogger's arch nemesis was an evil pixel queen. However, on the way to the cave...

...flying hobos stole the "Pixel Slayer" and brought him to HoboVille. So the whole gang got into a taxi to go there but...

...the hobos were content to annoy the hell out of the group. Aggresively, they came to the side of the taxi and started singing hobo songs. Everyone was so annoyed that...

...that they threw the taxi driver out of the car as a sacrivice and the gang drove off at 230 Miles/hour while the hobos finished off the taxi driver. Once they were far away from the riot they ask directions from...

...a slightly shifty looking man wearing a dark, tattered cloak with deep set eyes, who told them...

...Head Northwest from here and near the international building u shall find the one who tell you what u need to do...

...but when they got have way through the directions they meet the end of HoboVille. So they walking up to the border of the town when a man at the border asked for there...

...Passport and other ID...

...and when the man looked at the ID he looked at them and let them through.

But just when they past the guy....

...the flying hobos flew by again with the Pixel Slayer. But this time they would get away because the gang threw...

...a pixel at the hobos, rendering them helpless. Suddenly..

...the gang noticed that the Pixel Slayer was falling quicking so C1 flew up to him with his jetpack just in time. So now that they had saved the Pixel Slayer it was time to destroy that evil Pixel Queen...

who foolishly thought the hobos could defend the Pixel Slayer, so she didn't...

think to check her wing-mirror for incoming...

homing pigeons that were shot by...

..Giant worms(also wanting revenge) who ninja roped onto the industructable barrier...

..without safety helmets, so...

nothing special happened, because worms don't need safety helmets. After nija roping they...

...they climbed down to see if the evil pixel queen was dead but when they looked down to where here body should of been it was gone! The giant worms told the gang and there answer was...

...'how uncomfortable!'. But they did not give up! They...

...went to Burger King since they haven't eaten in days. But when they walked in (giant worms stayed outside) Slaya opened the door and notice hit head hit was a pixel! The pixel slayer instantly distoryed the clue tho but we knew that the evil pixel queen was near...

...cause there was a note hanging on the door, saying...

"Muahahaha...I don't know why I wrote this on the door but I am going to use a Nuke on the entire Earth#2 unless you stop me. Unlikely since I blocked my hide out with giant super pixels, which is in front of you, Burger King. But its only a pixel replica. Hehehe arn't my evil pixel minions great! Muahahaha...

Hope you had a pixely life...Evil Pixel Queen"

Yes it was terrible but how could they get into the Burger King blocked all around with pixels. When suddenly the giant worms suggested...

...Going to Giant worm town to seek great weapons for the destruction of the pixel queen... off they went but then they remember to go get food cause they were hungry(they went to A&W). So then after they ate they kept on going to Worm Town...

.When the group approached Giant Worm town they saw some evil pixell minions, bigger and more evil than the Hobo gang...

...known as poxels, who were at war with the pixels, so... the gang joined the fight. It didn't look good for them until the gang noticed a cr8 in the window of Cr8's R US. So they grabbed the cr8 and opened it too find a weapon to distroy the pixels and such. It was...

a blame the pixel ray gun with BenServ's name on it.

...all the pixel screamed and then melted. Billions after billions until we defeated them all! But the evil pixel queen must be distroyed still...

and the only way to find out how to destroy the pixel queen is to ask the great monster Drazzle, a man that was once a pixel... until an experiment gone wrong. He lives in a... a money tree. So when they all got there Drazzle got angry that they took money off the tree. But after they learned they were after the evil pixel queen (one who mutated him) he was much nicer. Even tho he was scary with an over sized pixel for his left eye...

and whenever he sneezed there was a stream of pixels at 140mph from his nose...

...Somehow Drazzel often aimed all his germs to Slaya...

and as they chatted about destroying the pixel queen, slaya was inhaling more and more pixels...

...but they weren't contages pixels. But they did make him grow an extra finger made from pixels. And so they went through the money tree on a green train to the lab. 1. To get the mass distructive weapons to kill the evil pixel queen and to amputate the pixel finger...
but little did they know the train driver was a poxel...

...the poxel was driving faster and faster and faster, they past the lab and then the pixel slayer noticed something bad so he attacked the poxel and turned him into a chocolate pixel...mmmm...then they walked to the lab...

...In the lab there were many weapons from Holy nades to Flamethrowers, but there was one special weapon that could destroy the pixel queen in one blow, but there was only one bullet in that weapon so...

...they stayed and researched it...well mostly slaya and the pixel slayer. While me and Zogger complete my was to create a time machine. In about 1.3 seconds slaya was able to fit the SUPER AWESOME DISTORYER of THE EVIL PIXEL QUEEN or SADTEPQ into a shot gun to give it two shots. And i slipped the blue prints for the time machine into my pocket and hid a copy in the tree. Then we went back onto the quest...

...just stopping to check our shoelaces were still tied...

...C1's weren't so he tied them. Then went on...through the valleys, through the marsh, through the hills of Galilee (its like a song tune)...through the hobos to the homos...all the way...(then the song quiets)...but once they get to a town called Concave City they remembered that they have no clue where to go...

... so they asked the local madman, since madmen are created by pixels. The madman, formerly a wormer...

was ecxeedingly jolly, and did make exceedingly good cakes... So they all decided it would be best to visit his house, where he had...

...some really silly bananas, which strangely didn't explode, and he also had...

a map, an ancient map of the entire world, that unfortunately...

...has petrol stains all over it. Luckily, Boggy B had some fire with him to burn of the petrol...

.which fixed the map. Then after it was fixed the map reminded C1 that they knew where to go all along with the SUPER WEAPON SHOTGUN, it was the Burger King to distroy the evil pixel queen (PG 2 it says). So off they went to Burger King...

...while eating the amputated pixel arm...

which The Pixel Slayer picked up off the ground beside Burger King when they got there...

.....they found a cr8 that had a concrete donkey and blew up burger king and the queen.....

was completely distroyed but 1 evil pixel remained and with her last shread of life she sets a nuke apon the world.

But at this moment C1 got out the time machine he had built and told the whole gang to get in. So they went back to the time before the evil pixel queen distroyed the orginal earth.
And stopped the first problem from happening this time and gettting the data to zogger (since he was right there). But they still did not know where the evil pixel queen was...since now its the past and shes still hiding somewhere in the depths of her hidout. When suddenly there was a clue to where she was in...

It was a note saying "I'm at the Roscoe Street Station". But compararing the handwriting, they found out it was a note from Max Payne, so...

...they checked it out anyways cause that was r only lead. And he said that he new where she was but would only give him the location if they...

...would give him a silly banana, which they did, so...

...he told them her hideout was deep under the island of Palau. So they dug deeper and deeper with the blow touch until they were blocked by the entrance of her hideout made of...

cheese! but not just any cheese, super poisonous nasty indestructable cheese, which could only be broken by...

letting a mouse eat it. But not just any mouse. They needed a...

...A mouse with teeth made of pixel compounds...

...which they could only find in the town called....

mouses heaven where the cheese is industructable and healthy!

so they asked Lord Nibbles if they could have an army of pixels mouses to dig through the hide out of the evil pixel queen. He said," Ya, I've been wanting to get that crazy pixel queen to stop here madness. In fact I've heard shes planning to turn the core of the planet into a pixel!"

So Nibbles gave them the mouses and they were off...but they also had to find a way to stop her crazy plan. If she does that the planet will freeze

but then they realised she wouldn't do that, cause then there'd be no more human left to annoy, so then they thought of what her backup plan might be...

...but they were too lazy to do that. So they just went to her hide out and got the mouses to dig all the way through until they made it through and when they did that...

...only to find that the pixel queen was expecting them. It was a trap! They...

and they were bumbarded by the entire army of pixel solders which the mouses tried to fight off and lost. They all fought off as many as they could with every weapon they were able to use without wasting the super shot gun. They even used the pixel ray gun yet it was no use. Then the pixel slayer tried and was able to fight off most of them but then was knocked unconscious. Then C1 had no choice but to use the SUPER SHOTGUN. He fired once and the entire army was oblitorated. Now for the shot that counted to kill the evil pixel queen. Then C1 told the others to grab her so that he had a perfect shot and so they...

...told C1 to stuff it, since he isn't the leader of the gang. Bloopy the brave threw a silly banana towards the pixel queen to slow her/it down, but...

...but C1 got pissed off and jumped on the pixel queen and then shot her and she was instantly distroyed. But one thing still troubled the gang, is that really the last of the pixel population and how did Bloopy get there in the hideout. Maybe we'll never know...

13.04.03 00:24
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22.07.03 15:05
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okay, I don't know why this post was marked as new cause it was posted on the 13th april... heh, still I have one thing to say to that story. The plural of mouse is mice.

You know I'm a dancing machine
22.07.03 15:58
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wow, that means you actually read it
22.07.03 21:40
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lol why wheres is say mouses? o ya PS if u want to read it in full and the site and its nots all wavey
22.07.03 22:35
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how can it be a never ending story if it just ended

26.10.03 17:16
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*cough 3 months four days old cough*

you get lots of never ending things, but they all end eventually
26.10.03 21:27
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for 1 it didnt end. Just because i said it ended. It doesnt mean it ended. If u see the credit's it tells wat happens later. And then later on after that u my comics lead off of that. So no it did not end.
26.10.03 23:28
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