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Have you ever gone across some racist Wormers on WN? There are a quite a few. They've been there scince I've started worming. They know who they are (thankfully I haven't seen any on BTP).

I join a game, everyone in there is in some sort of Latin country. They were all speaking Spanish and then they were discussing on what to do with me. I just say "Hi all", and in Spanish, They all said (translated roughly into English) "Kick him, he can't speak Spanish" and I was kicked. It's just not right to do that. WHO'S WITH ME!?

22.11.05 02:40
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Depends what type of game, if someone doesn't speak the language you do, how can you be sure they know the rules...



22.11.05 06:40
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Orangie Orgy
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Racism will come across Every, and Any game you play. Xboxlive is the worst because its cheap with the 2-month free trial cards and well... your voice communicating
it gets pretty bad these days, brits get it bad 70% of the time with the little kids, prett funny sometimes but also sad
22.11.05 15:37
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Have you ever gone across some racist Wormers on WN? There are a quite a few. They've been there scince I've started worming. They know who they are (thankfully I haven't seen any on BTP).

I join a game, everyone in there is in some sort of Latin country. They were all speaking Spanish and then they were discussing on what to do with me. I just say "Hi all", and in Spanish, They all said (translated roughly into English) "Kick him, he can't speak Spanish" and I was kicked. It's just not right to do that. WHO'S WITH ME!?

I boot any spanish person. They usually don't know the rules and can't speak english.

Plus, they all love to say "jajajajajajaja"
22.11.05 22:15
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Quoted :: C1

They usually don't know the rules and can't speak english.

Plus, they all love to say "jajajajajajaja"

I second that, so I don't join Spanish servers on any game :P


22.11.05 22:17
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Quoted :: C1

Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Have you ever gone across some racist Wormers on WN? There are a quite a few. They've been there scince I've started worming. They know who they are (thankfully I haven't seen any on BTP).

I join a game, everyone in there is in some sort of Latin country. They were all speaking Spanish and then they were discussing on what to do with me. I just say "Hi all", and in Spanish, They all said (translated roughly into English) "Kick him, he can't speak Spanish" and I was kicked. It's just not right to do that. WHO'S WITH ME!?

I boot any spanish person. They usually don't know the rules and can't speak english.

Plus, they all love to say "jajajajajajaja"

Okay. that's totally stereotypical. It's not good.

22.11.05 23:52
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I have Spanish people in my guild for Ragnarok, and I do have to admit that the 'jajaja' gets on my nerves, as does some of the other mannerisms. But, at least they also know how to speak English. :D
23.11.05 03:24
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[G]simon (swed simon)
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I'd never boot anyone just for being Spanish. Infact, I have a dream, that wormers will one day play in a wormnet where they will not be judged by the color of their flag, but by the content of their character :P
25.11.05 15:29
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I agreed with AbdBoy and Swed Simon
, we shouldn't stereotype people just because some of them (or even most of them) has made something bad against you

By the way Pio, what do you mean with "voice comunicating"? Do you mean that you chat in Xbox internet games with voice?
25.11.05 21:19
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Quoted :: Simon (swed simon)

I'd never boot anyone just for being Spanish. Infact, I have a dream, that wormers will one day play in a wormnet where they will not be judged by the color of their flag, but by the content of their character :P

Maybe they should remove the flags...

25.11.05 23:00
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle

By the way Pio, what do you mean with "voice comunicating"? Do you mean that you chat in Xbox internet games with voice?

yes, xboxlive comes with a headset for communicating up to 16 players, but gets rather annoying when all 16 players are talking at once
your in a game with a bunch of 'foriegners' that dont speak your language it kinda gets frustrating what they want, but its funny when they set partys up with nation vs. nation :P
26.11.05 05:57
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Abdboy, I am with you 110% on this issue. Spanish speakers was never the issue with me, most of them were nice. It was mostly wwp I saw racist wormers on, not that much on wa. Although on W:A there was a person that kept calling me American instead of what my name was.

There was another time me, split, and 2 other people were player a roper, one of them was losing, got mad, and said, "ahahaha fat american i'll kick your ass, america has the dumbest population." There was also another a time 3 germans were talking about me, couldn't understand what they were saying but it had "Zippy" in their words.

As for the "jajajajaja" thing, it is god irritating to me. But I deal with it because it sounds the same and that's how it is in that language. As for the removing flags thing... No, it is not good to hide your nationality :)

Oh yeah, there was a member on BTP who made fun of Americans, although I will not be naming names. And Pio, worms has nation vs. nation games too. Like "Germans vs. US". And C1, don't kick Spanish people, I've played with a lot of them, and a lot of them kicked my ass in rope games.

Can't our multi-religion internet world get along? :(

26.11.05 06:20
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You have made many good points Zippy. I only disagree with the flag thing. I still think they should be removed. The "hiding your nationality" thing has nothing to do with the flag. I'm Filipino, but does my flag show it? Nay!

Flags should be used only in-game.

26.11.05 07:33
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Pioneer322: lol , Speaking other language is more difficult than writing it so I understand what are you saying.

Zippy: You are right about the WWP/WA thing it's incredible how the silly people is mostly there in WWP.

C1: As Zippy said, don't kick Spanish people from your host (Unless they don't know the rules of course ;))

TheAbdBoy: That is because you aren't Philipine(sp?) :P

26.11.05 15:01
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

I'm Filipino, but does my flag show it? Nay!

Actually, for the flag part, you could make it show that. ;)

It's funny really, I've seen the US get made fun of on wn more than any other race. In their minds, we have a dumb president, so all of a sudden, we're dumb too? Haha... No...

26.11.05 18:32
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