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Poll: Invasion 2 a good idea?
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If you guy's don't remember my CYOA Invasion, you can check it out here. Yeah, I wanted to start a sequal after I finished the comic, but fuck the comic. I had ideas for the sequal and I'm wondering if anyone is intrested in having the sequal CYOA. I'm going to put it in BlameTheTypewriter (I think that's what it's called) because it's empty :).

Edit: Aww shit. posted in ther wrong forum. Anyone mind moving this to Off-Topic?

23.06.05 19:14
Post #1
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YES, I loved the old CYOA, but I think it shouldn't be a direct sequal seeing as we have loads of new members.

23.06.05 19:18
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I agree, new one new one new one damit!
23.06.05 20:37
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Yay that was great fun! Might bring some more life into the Typewriter forum. ;)

24.06.05 15:54
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Oh that thing. Yeah, that was cool.
24.06.05 16:09
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I remember telling you that you should do a new one. Then you left BTP. So, um, yeah...

24.06.05 19:53
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Because not enough people said no. I won't do it!

24.06.05 22:40
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If you really want people to say no, I can easily arrange that for you. It only takes about 30 seconds.
25.06.05 00:14
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Nah. i'll let the people decide. ;)

25.06.05 00:42
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Sorry for double post. Just wanted to let you all know I started it and it's right here.

26.06.05 02:14
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Sorry for double post. Just wanted to let you all know I started it and it's right here.

nice idea dude, the story is really being funny, just a question: the choices (A,B,C,D) are decided according to the number of votes every choice has?
28.06.05 20:36
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Yes, that's the basically how it's worked. If there's a tie, then he attempts to work out some way that both of them could go together in the storyline. If they CAN'T go together, then he waits for a tiebreaker.
28.06.05 21:37
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Quoted :: Glenn

Yes, that's the basically how it's worked. If there's a tie, then he attempts to work out some way that both of them could go together in the storyline. If they CAN'T go together, then he waits for a tiebreaker.

or I just get really creative...

29.06.05 04:08
Post #13
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or I do...

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
30.06.05 10:51
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