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[G]simon (swed simon)
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Quoted :: Glenn

I think I can answer that for him. If I have this right (and I'm sure I do) every game in which the rope is the focal point is a retarded game. Am I right Simon?

Correct. I also think races are retarded, but I cant help but joining the JP race, it's just to damn fun.
Note that the people playing the schemes I dislike are not retards, as if I even had to say that.

While I'm still making a post, it's now official that I need to practice math to death to make it trough 9 grade, and I'm afraid I have to start already tomorrow... I will join some of the tourneys, but after the olympics are over it's high time to lock in W:A for a long time and start reading algebra...
06.12.04 18:27
Post #31
Last edited: 06.12.04 18:27 (Simon (swed simon) - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Akuryou13

Quoted :: Docta_Shade

Quoted :: Glenn

every game in which the rope is the focal point is a retarded game.

Why is that then?
Maybe thats just your opinion...
if someone calls a game-type in worms gay, they're almost definitly referring to a roper game, cause those are officially known to be gay by anyone who's been around before their arrival to worms

I agree for Ropers (tho I'll play if someone asks me to ) but I like to play RRs.
06.12.04 21:19
Post #32
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Quoted :: C1

I get suprised easily.

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Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
07.12.04 00:56
Post #33
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An image![/spoil er]
07.12.04 03:58
Post #34
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You can reserve your tournament the site!
Please name the scheme of your tourney, the date for it to occur and the duration of the tourney

nice to know you find my fav gametype retarded, simon :)
I really don't see how they're retarded though :) All schemes need fun people to play with. Even elite and pro ;)

and yes @ FFie is a she (I'm going to see her again in 11 days, 2 hours and 15 minutes! woo!)

RRkit Ranking
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07.12.04 09:18
Post #35
[RRing for dummies] [Hide Sig (6)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]simon (swed simon)
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Quoted :: DarkOne

nice to know you find my fav game type retarded, simon :)
I really don't see how they're retarded though :)

It's really just a matter of the random-factor and benign so different from the original concept from 1994. It would be fun with a Retro tourney... Oh well

One question, will the tourney stats get saved so you will be able to view them on the webbsite? Just thought it would be interesting to know.:)
07.12.04 15:45
Post #36
Last edited: 07.12.04 15:45 (Simon (swed simon) - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Simon (swed simon)

Quoted :: DarkOne

nice to know you find my fav game type retarded, simon :)
I really don't see how they're retarded though :)

It's really just a matter of the random-factor and benign so different from the original concept from 1994. It would be fun with a Retro tourney... Oh well

One question, will the tourney stats get saved so you will be able to view them on the webbsite? Just thought it would be interesting to know.:)

There's still games being played without ropes. -> King's Army, Bng, T17, battlerace, and so many more!
07.12.04 21:54
Post #37
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

Can't you order it off the internet or something? (Dont go mad if someone has already asked you this question because I'm guessing they have.

From Serbia?
Nice joke:lol:
It is very hard to order over internet, and I dont want to waste money on buying original even if I find it in shop, I have spent most of my money on other things, and dont want to pay for a game that will play for 3 weeks and then forget it till next tourney
08.12.04 13:23
Post #38
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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You can reserve your tournament the site!
Please name the scheme of your tourney, the date for it to occur and the duration of the tourney

according to First Blood, shoppers are less random than elite games :P
We had the idea of not only having the results on the page, but also the replays of every game played!
the mods will ask for the winners to send their replays somewhere :) don't know where yet.
more info when available!

RRkit Ranking
PM me if you want a graph like this for your sig :)
Click the pic to go to RRkit!
08.12.04 14:47
Post #39
[RRing for dummies] [Hide Sig (6)] [Profile] [Quote]
At least i have chicken!
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I thin shoppers are like poker, luck and skill tied in to one!


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

09.12.04 16:27
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Quoted :: clarkey252

I thin shoppers are like poker, luck and skill tied in to one!

other than knowing how to keep a straight face, and knowing what kind of hand to keep, and what kind to fold on, is there any actual skill? I thought it was all just knowledge of the game in the case of poker (as well as luck, of course)

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
09.12.04 18:28
Post #41
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Quoted :: Akuryou13

Quoted :: clarkey252

I thin shoppers are like poker, luck and skill tied in to one!

other than knowing how to keep a straight face, and knowing what kind of hand to keep, and what kind to fold on, is there any actual skill? I thought it was all just knowledge of the game in the case of poker (as well as luck, of course)

Knowledge is a skill..
09.12.04 22:19
Post #42
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Knowledge and the ability to keep track of dealt cards are key to being totally successful in games of chance such as poker, but playing like that takes all the fun out of it.
10.12.04 01:59
Post #43
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Acrap spelr
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Quoted :: Glenn

I think I can answer that for him. If I have this right (and I'm sure I do) every game in which the rope is the focal point is a retarded game. Am I right Simon?

yeah i like trench warfare t17 and fort
has any1 made a disaster scheme?

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10.12.04 04:36
Post #44
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At least i have chicken!
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No what i meant was j00 need to be lucky aswell (as in crate postion and the other person falling occasionally)


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

10.12.04 15:34
Post #45
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