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Poll: What is your favorite gun of the choices?
Covenant Carbine 0 users
Plasma Pistol (sucks) 0 users
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Plsma Rifle 1 users
Shotgun (rules) 4 users
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Well, you know what they say. Some people like Halo 2 and others despise it. Can't change that, now can you?:P
03.12.04 01:26
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Quoted :: CBWhiz

1. DOS is an OS.
2. Windows 3.1, 95, 98, ME are newer versions of DOS.
2. Windows NT is an OS.
3. Windows 2K and XP are newer versions of NT.
4. Windows 2k = Win NT 5.0
5. Windows XP = Win NT 5.1

Don't forget, there was also..

1. Windows 1, 2 then 3.1, then 3.11
2. Windows XP is Windows NT 5 with Service Pack 1 pre-installed. Hense, Windows NT 5.1.
3. Forthcoming Windows Longhorn / Reloaded is the sucurity of 2000, with an improved front-end of XP

Did You Know?
The 3 Service Packs that are avalible for download on XP, are just all the updates bunched together, disguised as the name 'Service Pack'. All a Service Pack does is take the updates you have already downloaded, and re-arrange them into an (I say this very lightly) orderly fashion.
But all of you must know by now that Windows doesn't store files close together like Linux does. It scatters them everywhere. Thats why some programs take a while to load up, or, the hard drive chuggs alot during loading.


03.12.04 02:36
Post #32
Last edited: 03.12.04 02:42 (Runt - 3 times) [Hide Sig (10)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Runt

Quoted :: CBWhiz

1. DOS is an OS.
2. Windows 3.1, 95, 98, ME are newer versions of DOS.
2. Windows NT is an OS.
3. Windows 2K and XP are newer versions of NT.
4. Windows 2k = Win NT 5.0
5. Windows XP = Win NT 5.1

Don't forget, there was also..

1. Windows 1, 2 then 3.1, then 3.11

I have once seen a startup screen of Windows 3.0. Also, don't forget about Microsoft Bob :).

Either way, that is all DOS.

Quoted :: Runt

2. Windows XP is Windows NT 5 with Service Pack 1 pre-installed. Hense, Windows NT 5.1.

Wrong, incorrect, and most unfortunate.
Windows NT ended at Windows NT 4.? (I think 4.0) SP6 or so.
Windows 2000 is WIndows NT 5.0.
Windows XP is Windows NT 5.1.

Quoted :: Runt

3. Forthcoming Windows Longhorn / Reloaded is the sucurity of 2000, with an improved front-end of XP

2000 = XP on the security front. Obviously the GUI will be "improved". You are telling us nothing new here.

Quoted :: Runt

Did You Know?
The 3 Service Packs that are avalible for download on XP, are just all the updates bunched together, disguised as the name 'Service Pack'. All a Service Pack does is take the updates you have already downloaded, and re-arrange them into an (I say this very lightly) orderly fashion.

Service Packs are normally culmulative patches combined with small enchancements. (Or, in the case of WXP SP2, big enchancements.) Windows XP only has two service packs, SP1 and SP2.

Quoted :: Runt

But all of you must know by now that Windows doesn't store files close together like Linux does. It scatters them everywhere. Thats why some programs take a while to load up, or, the hard drive chuggs alot during loading.

Every operating system does this.
Windows is just especially good at making a mess :)
(Linux uses a SWAP partition to keep this to a minimum)
03.12.04 06:27
Post #33
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At least i have chicken!
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Quoted :: CBWhiz

17. Microsoft didnt _lawfully_ steal anything.

You can't lawfully steal things. And thats only what i got told, and he didn't steal anything just the idea.


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

03.12.04 12:02
Post #34
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Quoted :: clarkey252

Quoted :: CBWhiz

17. Microsoft didnt _lawfully_ steal anything.

You can't lawfully steal things. And thats only what i got told, and he didn't steal anything just the idea.

No, he meant that what Microsoft did WAS legal.
03.12.04 14:19
Post #35
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At least i have chicken!
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Well obviously or otherwise thier would have been a court case or somthing.


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

03.12.04 14:38
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Quoted :: xEViLxCAtx

Now for one of my questions.

Is the plasma pistol the same as it was in Halo 1?
If yes, plasma pistol does NOT suck!
If no, I don't really know what to say, as I don't have a XBOX.

No, the plasma pistol is a lot less useful now when you use it as a rapid fire weapon. It was the only real disappointment for me in Halo 2 MP, and in SP for that matter, rate of fire has slowed right down using the ol' trigger pumping technique, I think you have to hold the trigger down further or something, it seems to take about 1/2 a second per shot, used to be able to do about 7-10 shots / second...
Although the homing has become better - combined with a magnum it can be quite powerful in that manner. Both of those weapons are quite hard to find, tho.

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03.12.04 14:39
Post #37
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I guess we have completely different views on the game :)
On another note, im disappointed about the shotgun.
For one, the reload is, slow. (being mastercheif, his reflexes should have those shells loaded in seconds) The accuracy on it is terrible from a slight distance, but im suprised at the power it has directly in the face.
IMO, it doesnt look as, good as the shotgun in first halo
(my cd is damaged beyond the xbox being able to read the CD, so I cant really compare much between the games, anymore :/ )
03.12.04 19:22
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Shotgun has always reloaded slowly, but the plus is that you can stop in the middle of reloading and fire off a few shots by pulling the trigger.

Quoted :: Zog
Although the homing has become better - combined with a magnum it can be quite powerful in that manner. Both of those weapons are quite hard to find, tho.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I rarely found plasma pistols lying around (ones that spawn by default). And the only time I ever saw a magnum was when the scheme started us off with one.
03.12.04 21:30
Post #39
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Yeah, one time a bunch of flood was surrounding me, and it was because of the shotguns stupid 10 second reloading that I died. In another story, I like killing other teammates and being a traitor when you are elites.
03.12.04 21:30
Post #40
Last edited: 03.12.04 21:35 (Glenn - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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as glenn said, you can fire the shotgun while it's reloading, so it's not really a problem. It's very much a close range weapon - all about timing your shot right so you're close enough to kill them. It's a good defense against the energy sword if you can time it just right. - no complaints here about the range being shortened slightly, just makes it a bit more interesting.
Shotgun is also useful on midship King of The Hill (and possibly others but the people I play with prefer plain slayer), you can just stand in the hill with a shotgun and it takes them ages to decide to kill you from a distance... Also on oddball when someone gets close you can just drop the skull and take a shotgun shot, then pick it up again. Probably doesn't work so well with more players, tho.

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04.12.04 09:46
Post #41
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Quoted :: clarkey252

I heared (?sp) somewhere that bill gates stole the idea of a graphics based operations system (windows for all you lamers) from IBM. True?

They use a custom nVidia GPU. If you havn't noticed, Microsoft don't actully make that much hardware, so I don't think they'd try to make their on GPU.

Quoted :: CBWhiz

Windows 3.1, 95, 98, ME are newer versions of DOS.

They are not newer versions. They are shells for DOS.. with some multi-tasking
04.12.04 12:37
Post #42
Last edited: 04.12.04 12:41 (Knifa - 1 times) [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!
Shotgun is also useful on midship King of The Hill (and possibly others but the people I play with prefer plain slayer), you can just stand in the hill with a shotgun and it takes them ages to decide to kill you from a distance... Also on oddball when someone gets close you can just drop the skull and take a shotgun shot, then pick it up again. Probably doesn't work so well with more players, tho.

The shotgun is useful for most King of the Hill maps, but it's not that great on Beaver Creek (or Battle Creek if you will). It sits right in the middle of two bases that are VERY close to each other, and anyone standing down there in the river is an easy target. Example: We've actually managed to get a quadruple killtacular by standing on the rockmass above the river and firing ONE ROCKET into it.
Needless to say everybody but the rocket carrier died, it was very strange, one moment we heard guns firing all over the place, the next everything went deathly silent except for one TV that said "Quadruple Killtacular."

As for using the "drop required item to take a potshot" method, it only really works well in Capture the Flag, since usually only one or two people will be on your tail. Just get around a corner, drop the flag, turn around, and unload a few shots into whoever comes around the corner. I've managed to take a flag all the way across that other very large map (it's not Blood Gultch, can't remember the name) on foot using this method.

Finally, everyone wanting to play slayer is what pisses me off, especially when every other mode of Halo encourages teamwork. It's like they don't even want to try to work together (especially noticable on XBox Live sadly enough).
04.12.04 16:22
Post #43
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Where is Blood Gulch 2? I read in a magazine that there was going to be one.
04.12.04 20:13
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It's also going by a different name now. I think it's Coagulation (someone that actually has the game can correct me on this).
04.12.04 23:18
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