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Acrap spelr
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the revouloution (sp) is gonna be better than gamecube have a hard drive and will be online

how the heck do i know that you ask?

well nintendo has been purchasing servers by the masses
and some nintendo guy said that "we will have a hard drive, not as big as xboxes though"
and i think warppipe might be contracted by nintendo to help

also the revouloution is backwards compatible with gcn games
and now that it is online nintendo will flourish for the time being i mean online pikmin 3(not pokemon you morons) metroid prime 3
and all that junk

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02.12.04 20:52
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What the fuck did you just say?
Seriously, can anyone read that?
02.12.04 20:54
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Quoted :: corrected

The Revolution is gonna be better than Gamecube, have a hard drive, and will be online. How the heck do I know that, you ask? Well, Nintendo has been purchasing servers by the masses. And some Nintendo guy said that "We will have a hard drive, not as big as X-box's though." And I think WarpPipe might be contracted by Nintendo to help also. The Revolution is backward-compatible with Gamecube games, and now that it is online, Nintendo will flourish for the time being. I mean, online Pikmin 3 and Metroid Prime 3? And all that junk.

Well, that took way too long. I hope you're happy, Mini! (BTW, nothing is confirmed on that. But I'll be there waiting. I'm a Nintendo junkie.


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02.12.04 20:59
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If anything, I hope the online rumors are true. Gamecube has the power to go online, but they've really screwed themselves by not using it (only PSO uses online features).
Other than that, it SOUNDS promising, but I'll probably still go with a PS3.
02.12.04 21:27
Post #4
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Acrap spelr
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yes and the online thing needs less cost than xbox live
i mean p2p sucks what if i want to put it down i cant
oh and if ds can go online so can revouloution
bside nintendos buying severs like there gonna be worth more than gold

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02.12.04 21:37
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Nintendo would only damage thier market by not taking the next console online.

The names a bit stupid though

Theres nothing revolutionary about online play or backwards compatability.
02.12.04 21:38
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Hey Megalomaniac
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I'm not sure if that's the official name for it or not. Sorta like "Dolphin" was for the GCN. And they've said they are gonna revolutionize it in some way, not just fine-tuning the graphics and crap. Somehow :P If the online costs too much, I'll obviously just stick with playing it split-screen ;P We'll know next year come this time...


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02.12.04 21:43
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Quoted :: Glenn

If anything, I hope the online rumors are true. Gamecube has the power to go online, but they've really screwed themselves by not using it (only PSO uses online features).
Other than that, it SOUNDS promising, but I'll probably still go with a PS3.

Speaking of PS3, when does it come out, and what's good about it?
02.12.04 22:36
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At least i have chicken!
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I recently heared off Gamer TV that the PS3 is still in its design phase and so you will be extreamly (?sp) lucky to see it in 2005.


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

02.12.04 22:55
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Acrap spelr
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Quoted :: C1

Quoted :: Glenn

If anything, I hope the online rumors are true. Gamecube has the power to go online, but they've really screwed themselves by not using it (only PSO uses online features).
Other than that, it SOUNDS promising, but I'll probably still go with a PS3.

Speaking of PS3, when does it come out, and what's good about it?

standard improvements and an xbox live like service
p.s. every1 on the nintendo forums wants free online but iwata wont do since most japanese people are raised to think that we are inferior EVEN after we kicked their buts got them back on their feet they think that WE are inferior,the stupid buttholes
so wheres a good petition site?
p.p.s.i cant post on nintendos forums due to browser error please tell fenrirknight im fine tell her bout btp and post the petition at nintendos power on forum

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02.12.04 23:17
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Quoted :: minigunweilder

p.s. every1 on the nintendo forums wants free online but iwata wont do since most japanese people are raised to think that we are inferior EVEN after we kicked their buts got them back on their feet they think that WE are inferior,the stupid buttholes
so wheres a good petition site?
p.p.s.i cant post on nintendos forums due to browser error please tell fenrirknight im fine tell her bout btp and post the petition at nintendos power on forum

Now... you realize that without Japan, Nintendo would essentially be non-existent, right? The Japanese have made craploads of quality games.


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02.12.04 23:22
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Quoted :: Thnikkaman

Quoted :: minigunweilder

p.s. every1 on the nintendo forums wants free online but iwata wont do since most japanese people are raised to think that we are inferior EVEN after we kicked their buts got them back on their feet they think that WE are inferior,the stupid buttholes
so wheres a good petition site?
p.p.s.i cant post on nintendos forums due to browser error please tell fenrirknight im fine tell her bout btp and post the petition at nintendos power on forum

Now... you realize that without Japan, Nintendo would essentially be non-existent, right? The Japanese have made craploads of quality games.

yes but that thing about japan irritates me a lot*squeezes stress baloony doll thing so much that it pops*

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02.12.04 23:31
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What's bad about Japan. They're technologically advanced, they gave us manga, anime, sushi, green tea, a different culture...
*Starts thinking about the greatness of Japan*

Plus, without Japan there wouldn't be video games AT ALL. Everyone thought Nintendo was crazy when they announced a new console (or computer entertainment system if you will) after the failure of the video game market Atari 4600. But they did it, and look how far games have come because of it.
03.12.04 02:03
Post #13
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no if a average japanese person marries an american the japanese persons family ignores the american and pretends there not there because they think that anybody who isnt japanese is inferior they go out of their way to make the american feel unwelcome
true story

asides from that japan is actually better than america

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03.12.04 02:35
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My mom wants me to marry a japanese woman. Don't ask me why, I have no fucking idea.
05.12.04 01:56
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