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No, seriously. I can't take this anymore. At first roping was a small hobby, good fun, and a nice way to pass the time. I've had some great laughs on wormnet and some bad times too. But now I must leave, and here are my reasons for doing so.

Like I said, roping is a nice thing at first, a great hobby. But that hobby became an addiction, I was on wormnet for hours on end, staring at the screen and getting redeye bigtime. But the addiction soon became an obsession, and I was spending days on wormnet, days of staring at the same old screen, and days of wasting time.

It was then that I realised that wormnet had taken over my life. So, the question is, why didn't I just quit WA? Because it was far too addictive, and it had become a bad habbit. As long as the precious Worms Armageddon icon was on the desktop, I would always be victim to its evil, I would simply have to click it.

I had to uninstall Worms, and I had to do it fast. There wasn't much time before my life would be ruined by it. But the uninstalling wasn't enough, and I found myself reinstalling the game, downloading the patch, and back on wormnet in just ten minutes. Not good at all.

As time passed, I realised that to defeat this obsession I would need to destroy the Worms Armageddon CD. So I set off on an adventure that would end this once and for all. I travelled many days and nights across my landing, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. I finally reached the microwave after days of exhausting work.

The microwave was a middle-sized white object, which had many buttons on it. I'd never seen one of these before, so tackling it was very problematic. After hours of toil and hard work, I had finally found the "Open" button. I pressed it. The door swung open. I placed my Worms Armageddon CD into the device, and closed it firmly. Nothing happend. I then decided to mess around with a few buttons, and eventually managed to heat up the CD, and destroy it. This was it, this was the end.

It was the start of a new life. No longer was I the subject of tiresome wormnet nights. Instead, I was able to go outside, have a good time, and lose the fat that had clinged to me for years. I was free.

This is the story of how wormnet nearly ruined my life. I hope you have enjoyed your read. Thank you, goodbye, and have a relaxing day.
05.07.04 18:37
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thank god for that, i thouht he would never leave...
05.07.04 20:05
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That was... Beautiful!:cry:

06.07.04 14:49
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What an idiot. U put a cd in the microwave just to destroy it. And u make an adventure out of it...what a sad life u must have :mrgreen:
06.07.04 21:14
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Thank you Duke! :)

I poured my heart and soul into it, so please don't insult me, these are my best efforts. :(
07.07.04 15:41
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I like that story :roll:
Seems your not to popular. so i'll leave the comments ;)
07.07.04 19:59
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Wormnet hours on end? All that stuff you said was probably stage 1 of Worminitous.

08.07.04 08:19
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hmmm , yet you continue to enthrall us with your continued visitations ot this site thhis WORMS site...

09.07.04 16:38
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what happens to a cd when you put it in a microwave and turn the microwave on?
if i get an AOL cd, i will find out:D

09.07.04 18:04
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Um... odds are pretty good that the CD either explodes or melts (it probably does both, but explode is the end result).
09.07.04 19:55
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It is an explosion.
09.07.04 19:57
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hmm, a microwave works by sending out microwaves at the resonant frequency of the water molecules, hence forcing the molecules to vibrate with an extremely large amplitude. (lol, this was in my Physics exam...) I'd imagine what happens to a CD depends on the amount of water it contains, or something. I wouldn't really know though, I'm not exactly a microwave expert. Try it with an AOL CD and see what you get, I guess ;)*

*Note: I cannot be held responsible for what may happen... lol.

You know I'm a dancing machine
09.07.04 20:01
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You shouldnt join BTP with that kinda name :roll:
09.07.04 20:36
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i think he did it on purpose just to be a dick...
10.07.04 07:18
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I could see why you would not respect someone using that name, but ... well maybe it's just because I don't live in Europe, but I have no problem with it. He just made a few posts, hasn't really started a riot as far as I can tell, and then blesses us with a few hilarious posts. You only have a rating of 1, but I hope you still come back with some new material for your next potentially lengthy post. That would be awesome.

Also, the CD just shatters. I assume it would melt if you left it in there long enough, they get pretty hot.
10.07.04 09:27
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