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How about no because we had a thread about what people posted on that page didn't we? There's was photos of naked chinese people. WOW REALLY CREATIVE!
22.02.04 18:09
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How's about's a yearly compations in art and worms playing skills.(Bit of a shite one this)

Erm.........a league on WWP and WA and people can bet on the results. (a bit better)

And any other I think up in the next ten minutes

22.02.04 18:39
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Quoted :: psymon

How's about's a yearly compations in art and worms playing skills.(Bit of a shite one this)

Erm.........a league on WWP and WA and people can bet on the results. (a bit better)

And any other I think up in the next ten minutes

Actually psymon the frist one is good. But to enter u have to pay. I like that.

Also the thread overview is backwards. The last post posted should be the one on top.
22.02.04 18:50
Post #18
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Quoted :: C1
Also the thread overview is backwards. The last post posted should be the one on top.

WTF does that have to do with anything?

The Thread Overview is now the same order as normal posts so it's okie now.

Erm.....Idea 3.......If ya advertise this site on your own site, ya earn money. (Any good?)

22.02.04 19:12
Post #19
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No. Not good because anyone who comes here would earn money. I also suggested paying for custom forums (forums for clans,etc) but all these ideas arent' going to happen because it's either too hard to do/zogger is too busy.
22.02.04 19:21
Post #20
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How about you get £5 for every file you upload; ok, so it won't solve the problem of what to spend it on but it will encourage people to upload files.

22.02.04 19:37
Post #21
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cough cough cough u get 3 already cough cough cough...
22.02.04 19:41
Post #22
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lol, I didn't know that:P So is that how your money suddenly shot up? - From uploading 90 files?

22.02.04 23:13
Post #23
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Quoted :: C1

How about no because we had a thread about what people posted on that page didn't we? There's was photos of naked chinese people. WOW REALLY CREATIVE!

So you want them to pay £10 so they can still do it? It doesn't stop them uploading anything.

Oh and if you think about all the submissions, you only found one pr0n image. Big deal.

Learn to look, look to learn.
23.02.04 07:44
Post #24
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but there was a hellkuva lot more total shite with nothing to do with anything remotely connected to this site.

Zogger was right, go to google and type in sig uploader btp is in the 1st page and is free to use, Many people use this site only to upload pictures of thier asian schoolo buddies.

Now anyone who makes something remotly worms related. or remotly arty will most likely have opinions on subjects of interest in the btp forum, therefore they wouldnt have a problem accumulating the neccessary money in order to pay for the upload.
23.02.04 10:13
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PS109 has had a brain wave, Pay for your own art galleiry, pay a shed load a' moolar (£1000 to all un-understanding folk) and ya can show off all ya sigs to the world.

23.02.04 21:37
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No pope but think about this. We start off wiith 20 If we made each submission 20 that would limit any new user only 1 submission. That would limit the space wasted.
24.02.04 04:13
Post #27
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

and that will make all users who want to submit to go on forum to get money!
but, it isnt very good idea......

here is my lastest suggestion about money:

-- Some files user can submit in SPECIAL section, and they pay to submit them there.And, any1 who download files from there should pay for them.And money goes to submiter. Like it?
24.02.04 13:57
Post #28
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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How's about a market to slee files to each other, like a sig offer to someone, speacail maps and other stuff, highest bids got the goods.

24.02.04 15:58
Post #29
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Stupid idea, you want your maps to be used don't you? Well i do... I think a casino where you buy chips and play slots and (best idea of casino) invite other online users to play poker and other casino games and stuff with you.
24.02.04 16:12
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