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Butt Cheek
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Proper excuses have become a joke. Wait, that word doesnt really work because jokes are funny and the absolute poop that fills that page is about as funny as sandpaper. lol i notice that fuzzball made like a hundred and they're all rated 5 but let's not bring that up again. In other words, I think it would be better if we didnt have the page at all instead of the filth that is there now.
Suggestion: Make it so the jokes have to be read and deemed good enough b4 they show up on the page. No really I havnt seen a really decent 1 in a long time. I would quote some but I dont think the people I quoted would appreciate it very much. It could use like the same feature as ask the pixel only there wouldnt be an answer the only thing admin would have to do would be to accept or reject the excuse.
It's time to slay these pesky excuses men!

20.10.03 00:34
Post #1
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its true, i just checked they are so lame :o
20.10.03 12:25
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i added some the other day and they got rated quite well. it does annoy me when people add like 20 at once tho. Maybe if they do not recieve like 3+ stars within a week they should be auto removed or something
20.10.03 13:23
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Quoted :: wish's excuses


I have no arms and am playing by smash my face against a touch screen, i think im going to pass out The Wishmaster

lets just ignore that cos it didnt happen did it? *flash* The Wishmaster

now, those are lame

20.10.03 13:49
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I think the middle one is funny. It would be too annoying if you had to wait for an admin to accept it.
20.10.03 14:10
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Butt Cheek
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It actually wouldnt take that long to do 4 them...
and really, some of the excuses on there r a disgrace to btp.

20.10.03 15:18
Post #6
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yea i get every1 will say mine :(
20.10.03 15:43
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good job 4 mentioning it no1 was saying nething ;)
u did rate all your excuses 5...

20.10.03 15:57
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actually those arent bad compared to sum.
20.10.03 19:36
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lets hear some admin!
either tell me to shut up or fix it.

20.10.03 20:34
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actually, liked wishmaster's first one up there.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
20.10.03 21:29
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well, most are lame. these all got 5 stars, and not one is even slightly funny :o

Sorry busy trying to get rid of all the PORN on the internet by downloading it all SMACK

I got banned from wormnet! CousCous

never send a worm 2 do a mans job :< XxfuzzballxX

Yum is that pizza i smell? :9 XxfuzzballxX

i only have change worm and armogedon :( XxfuzzballxX

i gess thats not bad 4 a baby :P XxfuzzballxX

im never letting my cat on the keyboard again XxfuzzballxX

T.V iz good. hu my turn? XxfuzzballxX

21.10.03 11:26
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hmm yeh, a lot are pretty rubbish. Something needs to be done - but verifying each one. I think it would take quite a while. heh. Already all this forum reading and question answering to do. When I see 45 waiting questions I can't even be bothered to click the link, cause you can tell half of em are gonna be rubbish. heh.

You know I'm a dancing machine
21.10.03 15:42
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same here, may as well close ATP for a bit, let the little pixel have a holiday or summat.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
21.10.03 18:33
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Um... I'll do it. You probably wont let me but i thought I would throw that idea up in the air.

21.10.03 20:46
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