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lol, double dragon, I played that game years ago on the amstrad. I kept killing my Brother by acfcident when we were meant to be on the same side... hmm...

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07.10.03 11:14
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i played that on game boy. I was very good and got to like level 2...i guess not that good. But i think some native stole it...(im not rasist. it was the native down the street)
07.10.03 21:03
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His royal Bobliness, Bobby 'Bob' Bobson speaks!

I saw an article in a magazine a few days ago.
"Converting Your X-box to run Linux"
Anyone see it?
Or better yet, any1 tried it?;)
08.10.03 13:07
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yeh I've heard of it alot, obviouls yI'm not gonna be stupid enough to try it though. I don't want to have had all that money spent on it wasted.

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08.10.03 15:39
Post #64
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yet more proof that the xbox is merely a computer box that connects 2 ure tv
08.10.03 16:41
Post #65
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yeah. well now we can look forward to Microsoft doing something which they are good at. What is this I speak of?

Well, Microsfot are making a kind of update/new OS which is ATM codenamed Longhorn which will be made with games in mind.

There will be a My Games Folder.

Windows will automatically search for latest patches for games u have installed.

Installations will become easier.

When inserting a new CD for the first time, it will install it 'silently' if the option is chosen.

MSN will be changed so u cna see which m8s are playing what.

When in a MSN chat with friends u cna launch teh game, it will create private game/server and only ur friends will be able to join.

And that's about all I know so far. Sounds good, doesnt it?

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08.10.03 16:47
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I don't think longhorn is specifically orientated to wards games, there's just a lot of new features for a lot of things.

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08.10.03 17:04
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"As DOS was to windows 95, so Window Xp will be to longhorn. We need to introduce a seamless gaming experience and turn 100 million PCs into 100 million games machines" said by Dean Lester, General Manager of the Windows Graphics and Gaming Technologies division.

I hand typed it all out and u dont know how tedious it is to keep looking up and down to teh magazine. I know this is hype but still something.

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08.10.03 17:08
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I haven't heard any of that. But I do know that they've added to the pointless visual effects: the windows flap around in 3D when you move them.
08.10.03 17:15
Post #69
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meh, useless. i can create a new "my games folder" and pu them all in there if i so plz myself to do so, I DONT want windows to go checking for patches when im online. Msn can create stuff with games. and if ure m8s are playing games online they turn msn off or say im on "worms" dont disturb. So whats the point?
09.10.03 13:30
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Lognhorn is a build of windows XP based entirely on the .NET framework. The current build is very unstable atm.

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09.10.03 18:25
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How would you know of the instability? (hint hint ;) nah jk i know you have a 56k, though I did see quite a few longhong builds up for dl)

And I think that windows 2000 is good enough, windows XP only has 2 more features over it (system restore and UPNP) and i only want one of them anyway...
10.10.03 02:27
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Quoted :: CBWhiz

How would you know of the instability? (hint hint ;) nah jk i know you have a 56k, though I did see quite a few longhong builds up for dl)

I thought they turned out to be fake...

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10.10.03 15:47
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CBWhiz, does 2k have ClearType? this may seem like an insignificant feature, but I really like it.
10.10.03 18:52
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i dont even understamd what it is lol.

A friend of mine had an early build of longhorn, took a bunch of screenys then got fed up of it crashing. I'll give u a link if i remember what it was

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11.10.03 22:12
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