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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

Really though, if you think about it, being hung was kinda fair. :?
15.03.07 05:20
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No being hung was unfair, as i belive it is the worse death, because its the long wait that you are going to die, and I think that his death shouldnt of been showen to there country

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15.03.07 09:02
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Quoted :: Bobsley

No being hung was unfair, as i belive it is the worse death, because its the long wait that you are going to die, and I think that his death shouldnt of been showen to there country

They would need evidence of his death. Imagine your president/prime minister taken away by an invading army and was told he were to be executed, but won't release the filming of it? many many conspiracies would be floating around

..Tho if that was bush there instead I wouldn't care as so long as he's done giving orders :?
15.03.07 16:58
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

Mmm.. I guess that makes sense. But for what he did, you would think it was a fair price to pay. To tell you the truth, watching his death from a computer, I laughed. 8O
15.03.07 18:59
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[]Alien King
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The voices say:

Consider this though. If you had done something wrong, would you want your life ended? I know I wouldn't. I would hate to be hanged.

The prospect of being hanged is quite a worrying thing. To have your life ended earlier than you expected cannot be pleasant. It is an extreme punishment and one which right now, I feel he did eventually deserve.

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16.03.07 17:11
Post #20
Last edited: 16.03.07 17:12 (Alien King - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

Yeah, he did deserve the cruelty he got. No, I wouldn't want my life ended early, I would if i was emo, but I'm not :lol:. You would know it's coming though and should except it.
18.03.07 05:36
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Saddam was pretty old.
To be honest i'd rather die young (above 45) before I start to get slow, wrinkle, having someone else taking care of me (elderly home) and such.

edit: also, SouthX: why is your sig "DarKxStaR" when your nick is SouthX? :s
18.03.07 08:24
Post #22
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Maybe we got another multi account user?
18.03.07 11:09
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

Eeep. Multiple reasons. Well just one. I have two names, DarKxStaR on w:a and SouthX on wwp. I can't use my other sig because it's down due to photo bucket bandwith usage exceeding. Hope this explains. :?

Edit: No, no multi account usage is bad. :P
18.03.07 16:31
Post #24
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

I havent been around for a long time, and I came to check forums for first time in a while and I saw this thread...

I know its old, but I need to post comment

I see here lot of people from UK, USA, Germany saying that he deserved to die........but why??
What have he done against you or your countries personaly?
Have Saddam invaded your country as you invaded his?
He maybe had some "illegal" weapons which is allowed to superpowers only, but main reason for Iraq being invaded is oil, and if you remember US were Saddam's ally for war against Iran in 70s or 80s, dont know exactly....they created him and now they hate him cos of oil

And medias serve you a story of him being a killer and all the stuff

I belive he done much evil for the time of his reign, but many more Iraqians dided since Americans came than before, and who is doing genocide now?

Main reason for me posting this is cos you hate him and whish him dead becouse things you seen on TV and read in newspapers, and I know what people were talking about my country during 90s on CNN and other stations, I remember NATO bombarding my country becouse our dictator in 1999....I also hated him, but that is no reason for killing civilians with stealth plains, we got rid of him without your help later....

And I only can imagine what you heard about Serbia on TV, and I know that 99% of those things are not true, I and can bet that there is same thing about Iraq

I hope you got my point, becouse when I see 15 year old Germans, Americans or Britons saying that he deserved to die, it makes me sick.....seriously


EDIT - ough, and flag for my country is messed up, please fix it, it should looks like this:

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The most beautyful flag in the world
11.04.07 10:19
Post #25
Last edited: 11.04.07 10:23 (Archamond - 4 times) [ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Archamond

I belive he done much evil for the time of his reign, but many more Iraqians dided since Americans came than before, and who is doing genocide now?

The two are completely unrelated statements.. the fact that the invasion killed a lot of people doesn't make him any less guilty :s

..not that I believe in the death penalty.

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12.04.07 13:21
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[]Alien King
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The voices say:

Quoted :: Archamond
I see here lot of people from UK, USA, Germany saying that he deserved to die........but why??
What have he done against you or your countries personaly?
Have Saddam invaded your country as you invaded his?
He maybe had some "illegal" weapons which is allowed to superpowers only, but main reason for Iraq being invaded is oil, and if you remember US were Saddam's ally for war against Iran in 70s or 80s, dont know exactly....they created him and now they hate him cos of oil

Directly, he did nothing to us. However, it was what he did to his own country that makes me feel he ultimatly deserved execution. Some of the motives for invading the Iraq I do not agree with, but I agree with his execution. Regardless of what the USA and other countries did and their motives, Saddam needed to be stopped.

An image!
12.04.07 21:01
Post #27
Last edited: 12.04.07 21:03 (Alien King - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

The two are completely unrelated statements.. the fact that the invasion killed a lot of people doesn't make him any less guilty :s

True, but it also makes US and UK guilty and noone cares about that and noone will do anything about that

Quoted :: Alien King

Directly, he did nothing to us. However, it was what he did to his own country that makes me feel he ultimatly deserved execution. Some of the motives for invading the Iraq I do not agree with, but I agree with his execution. Regardless of what the USA and other countries did and their motives, Saddam needed to be stopped.

Then let Iraqians stop him........if I dont like what G.Bush is doing to his country, should I steal a plane and crush it in white house....or that make someone terrorist, and when you kill muslim leader you are peacekeeper....bullshit....and US created saddam(and bin laden) if you dont remember

13.04.07 13:47
Post #28
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[]Alien King
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The voices say:

Quoted :: Archamond
Then let Iraqians stop him.

The thing is, they couldn't really have done so. How exactly do you remove a ruthless man from power when you aren't in a fair democracy?

An image!
13.04.07 16:13
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

There is a thing....called Serbia we managed to do that, without your help, you just bombarded us and then left, and we took over our dictator by ourselves, so did ukrainians 5 and romania and bulgaria 15 years ago, they didnt need US and UK help...americans just want oil and uk is not powerful enough to say no to us wishes.....btw, how old are you alien?
13.04.07 21:10
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