
21.12.03 Aren't I Mr. Slow? [S]Zogger!
Finally, I got Bloopy's hell design sorted, check the Change Design page to see it. Hopefully everything that needs changing has been changed, but I might've missed something ;). Sorry for being so slooow :D

Bloopy says: you'll want at least 1024x768 for this design

Your Comments:

[G]meiapaul Said:
gogogo hell design, well done bloopy, its cool :D i appear to be the only person using it though:P
[01.01.70 12:09 AM]

[UA]tundraH Said:
Not now you aren't.
It's nice, text on the menu's a bit hard to read though.

[01.01.70 12:09 AM]

[UA]tundraH Said:
Also the pagew sometimes stretches so that the menu takes up the whole screen width - Firebird.
[01.01.70 12:09 AM]

[]The Pope Said:
Veru nice design. It makes me want to go eat some honey for some reason though...
[01.01.70 12:09 AM]

[S]ReadMe Said:
nice use of CSS here Zog :p

Good job tho.

[01.01.70 12:09 AM]

[S]ReadMe Said:
<h3 class='menuHeading'><span><b><b><u>Menu</u></b><br></b></span></h3>

Damn strip_tags(), meant to say that

[01.01.70 12:09 AM]

[S]Bloopy Said:
heh never mind about the delay, I'll see how it goes :)
[01.01.70 12:09 AM]

[S]Zogger! Said:
lol, I dunno, I was using your changes readme...
[01.01.70 12:09 AM]

[S]Bloopy Said:
Made a few tweaks, design seems to work well now :) I haven't got Firebird to test it there, maybe a screenshot would help though tundraH :S
[01.01.70 12:09 AM]

[]The Pope Said:
This any good?

(Just noticed semi transparent worms in comment box, vn)

[01.01.70 12:09 AM]

[S]Bloopy Said:
I meant a screenshot of the problem when the menu takes up the whole screen width, as tundraH seems to have experienced. Um thanx anyway Pope? :D
[01.01.70 12:09 AM]

[]The Pope Said:
lol, how can he get a pic of the problem, if there isn't any?
[01.01.70 12:09 AM]

[S]Bloopy Said:
how bout when tundraH said "Also the pagew sometimes stretches so that the menu takes up the whole screen width - Firebird."

if that isn't a problem then I will lick between my toes and say mmmmmmm

[01.01.70 12:09 AM]

[]The Pope Said:
Well i thought u said in posts after that u fixed and tweaked the design...
[01.01.70 12:09 AM]

[S]Bloopy Said:
Ah well I also said I didn't have Firebird so I couldn't do anything about that problem... even a screenshot prob wouldn't be much use. Never mind.
[01.01.70 12:09 AM]

[UA]tundraH Said:
I think it's to do with the way Mozilla loads pages.

I'm on 1024x768, took this with two screenshots:

Setting an absolute width for the menu might work - it did when I was using tables and A{display:block} on another site.

[01.01.70 12:09 AM]

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