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Well, it seems cl2k is pretty messed up right now, so I shall make this my main worms site for the time being. There seem to be a lot of BlameThePixellers that I don't know, so greetings to ye all. This site is so huge, I only wonder why it's not more popular (O_O).
03.01.05 02:37
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It is more popular ;)
In fact it's 2nd:
Besides this site, affilates of this site and cl2k, there aren't any other popular worms sites.

I'd just like to warn you that CBWhiz is redesigning the site so you may find some errors.
Other than that, it's a great site and a great community. :)
Can I ask what's going on at Cl2k?

Error#34234 For CBWhiz: The Queries loaded thing at the bottom of the page is not centered
03.01.05 04:23
Post #2
Last edited: 03.01.05 04:24 (C1 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: C1

It is more popular ;)
In fact it's 2nd:
Besides this site, affilates of this site and cl2k, there aren't any other popular worms sites.

I'd just like to warn you that CBWhiz is redesigning the site so you may find some errors.
Other than that, it's a great site and a great community. :)
Can I ask what's going on at Cl2k?

Error#34234 For CBWhiz: The Queries loaded thing at the bottom of the page is not centered
BTP's more popular for wormers age 5-15. :P.

Cl2k got hacked twice this week. The first one was because of cellblock; the second..:?. It doesn't really matter to me, cl2k or not, there needs to be another wa community like cl2k is/was.
03.01.05 05:15
Post #3
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BTP has come very close to having more members than cl2k, though I wouldn't be surprised if there have been more duplicate accounts here than there was there.

Also shame that Wormiverse is hacked down and probably not gonna get back up... :cry:


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
03.01.05 05:21
Post #4
Last edited: 03.01.05 05:26 (Bloopy - 1 times) [Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
Orangie Orgy
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Meh, I was a total retard over there, I didn't really like it over there, but that was my problem.
I came to BTP for the forums n' all, as well as the very active IRC room
[Server -, channel #Blamethepixel]
Nice to see were gonna have some more members :)
03.01.05 05:26
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Quoted :: Bloopy

BTP has come very close to having more members than cl2k, though I wouldn't be surprised if there have been more duplicate accounts here than there was there.
Not to insult BTP, but it's like jam-packed with info and its confusing. If you're not used to the layout, it's scary :oops:
03.01.05 05:26
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Orangie Orgy
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Oh, and were stuck with Map design (hurts teh eyes), so bare with the guest design for now.. :|
03.01.05 05:28
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Yeah the menu is way too long, each category on the menu should really be replaced with 1 or 2 links.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
03.01.05 05:31
Post #8
[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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It's not usually like this fizix, honest! :D

03.01.05 14:50
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Quoted :: fizix

It doesn't really matter to me, cl2k or not, there needs to be another wa community like cl2k is/was.

Aha, now that's where we may be able to help a little ;) are going to be launching a clan league soon, and sorting out the forums to stop them being muddled in with Ce.
03.01.05 16:20
Post #10
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Quoted :: fizix

Quoted :: C1

It is more popular ;)
In fact it's 2nd:
Besides this site, affilates of this site and cl2k, there aren't any other popular worms sites.

I'd just like to warn you that CBWhiz is redesigning the site so you may find some errors.
Other than that, it's a great site and a great community. :)
Can I ask what's going on at Cl2k?

Error#34234 For CBWhiz: The Queries loaded thing at the bottom of the page is not centered
BTP's more popular for wormers age 5-15. :P.

Cl2k got hacked twice this week. The first one was because of cellblock; the second..:?. It doesn't really matter to me, cl2k or not, there needs to be another wa community like cl2k is/was.

BTP got hacked a few months back but we managed to fix it and I think some of the admins fixed the security holes..
03.01.05 21:10
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Quoted :: Bloopy

Yeah the menu is way too long, each category on the menu should really be replaced with 1 or 2 links.

Of course, now you can just click the header for a particular section and it will colapse it...
04.01.05 00:23
Post #12
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Perhaps a better option would be is to choose the items you want on the menu.
Like I want the file menu for about 3 of those and the rest I want to hide. If it was an option in your profile to select the things you want to hide, that would be better imo.
04.01.05 00:28
Post #13
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Quoted :: fizix

BTP's more popular for wormers age 5-15. :P.

Actually BTP is more popular with those less snot nosed assholes like you.
04.01.05 00:58
Post #14
Last edited: 04.01.05 00:59 (Jay - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Jay

Quoted :: fizix

BTP's more popular for wormers age 5-15. :P.

Actually BTP is more popular with those less snot nosed assholes like you.

I think I'm going to rate him down for that comment.
04.01.05 01:23
Post #15
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