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[]The Pope
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I have made a small banner to be palced under the end of the left side menu. I would out this on one of the threads but i cant find it easily. Here is teh image:

And the site's URL is:


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29.09.03 18:07
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Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
29.09.03 18:30
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pope get rid of your pop-ups plz. noone likes them and noone ever goes to them

23.10.03 16:40
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[]The Pope
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lmao. How am i meant to get rid of the pop ups!? It's a free web host, so they make their money by selling net-space for adverts on users who dont pay for teir host. I cant get rid of them...

Learn to look, look to learn.
23.10.03 16:43
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You could always change host.
23.10.03 17:02
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hmm try this..(put between \n
\n tags)

23.10.03 23:14
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