
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheGeneralDiscussion » i cant get my sig thing at the bottem 2 show!

Poll: what do u vote the best type ov game?
Poll removed cause unrelated polls are completely annoying, and you clearly didn't read the message about being shot 0 users
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i cant get them 2 some but meh here they are (or arnt)An image!
29.09.03 15:37
Post #1
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what the my poll was about fave shoppers and stuff not weps?:evil:
29.09.03 16:14
Post #2
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lmao, ure poll got fuxxored heh!

29.09.03 16:28
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[]The Pope
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lol, in the forum ru;les somewhere it says no polls about fave type of game or fave weapon.

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29.09.03 16:29
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Anyone making a thread asking which weapon or game is best will be shot.

still, wasn't the main reason I removed the poll. There's enough polls lying around at the moment with topics unrelated to the thread title. They make the forum a much worse place.

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29.09.03 16:30
Post #5
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okey dokee so how do i get them things 2 show up?
29.09.03 16:31
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because "sig1" and "fuzball the logo1" aren't images.

You know I'm a dancing machine
29.09.03 16:33
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yea i made them on paint and saved them?!?:|
29.09.03 16:34
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[]The Pope
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1. make sure it isnt huge ass big
2.upload it
3.copy the URl given
4.put it within an img html code thingy(see Image to the left of the quick reply box. That will add the stuff u need. then copy what it produced)
5.Paste the stuff u copied before into the sig box in ur profile.

Also, so i dont have to do this in the future again, see teh FAQs before asking. FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions

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29.09.03 16:35
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ok ty but how do i edit my profile?:|
29.09.03 16:41
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[]The Pope
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loom at the menu to ur left and go down to teh bottom of the list and click on edit profile

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29.09.03 16:45
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how are you, whoever's doing it, voting multiple times?
29.09.03 16:57
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it's me, re, the admins can edit the number of votes in a poll. I'm just changing them to the best option.

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29.09.03 17:13
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yeah, and screwing up my nice 'votes so far feature' :p

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
29.09.03 19:02
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lol, nice addition. also is there any point to the how long it took to load the page function at the bottom of the page?

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30.09.03 14:49
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