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Poll: Will Team17 return to making 2D worms games?
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um no, should only be dial-up, any sort of broadband connection will have a fixed IP.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
10.10.03 23:49
Post #46
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my IP is technicly dynamic, although it hasnt changed in over 3 months :)

I belive my ISP registers the MAC address of your NIC card that is connected to the modem. Based on this, they keep a table of MACs to IPs.

At least this is what I have seen.
11.10.03 00:12
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Broadband can certainly have dynamic IPs, on Karoo RapidTime you get a different IP each time you log on, and they log you off every 72 hours "for security reasons".
11.10.03 13:04
Post #48
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is there any reason i get punted off freserve anytime evry 2 hours? bloody annoying it is
11.10.03 20:29
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have u read the contract all the way through?

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11.10.03 20:31
Post #50
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nah i cant be bothered, i also dont no where to find this contract.
12.10.03 11:18
Post #51
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well neither would i since i dont use them. its probably got something to do with teh contract...

Learn to look, look to learn.
12.10.03 11:28
Post #52
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what is all this ip stuff? my ip changes everytime i pull the internet cord out of the wall. i know this because i have to go to write it down and then go to congiguration on worms and change the ip to be able to host. seems like i have 2 do this a lot.

12.10.03 20:15
Post #53
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lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao!

In dos prompr just type 'ipconfig' to see ur IP, in windows (not XP tho) type 'winipcfg' into run to see your IP, in XP you can open up the connection status and click details.

Prolly som other ways too, if u have MSN plus installed ( wou can type (!IP) in a messenger chat window, that'll give u ur IP too.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
12.10.03 20:38
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Messenger plus doesn't work too well... me + a friend both have it:

[21:16:47] Me: type (!ip)
[21:16:54] Him: (!ip)
[21:16:56] Me: in caps
[21:16:59] Him:
[21:17:02] Me: lol
[21:17:03] Him: yay!
12.10.03 21:48
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ok readme...go check my ips...i bet i have about 1000. And they're all from 1 pc.

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12.10.03 21:56
Post #56
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lol, optissimus u can get a proggy that autochanges ure ip in worms as you run it, i would give oyu the link but i need to get home first, im at c ollege at the momoent :twisted:
13.10.03 09:33
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does anyone know if DSL connections' IPs change any more frequently than cable connections'?
13.10.03 18:07
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he said dsl connections dont change. I had Adsl. Not dsl. Dsl stays on but adsl turns off.
14.10.03 00:23
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Actuallly I was exagerating I dont have to go to 'cause i have LF from annelid and it shows u you're ip. I still have to memorize it though and put it into configuration and

Quoted :: The Wishmaster

lol, optissimus u can get a proggy that autochanges ure ip in worms as you run it, i would give oyu the link but i need to get home first, im at c ollege at the momoent

u cant even remember its name? u have no idea how much i want this.

14.10.03 01:21
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