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Well i gotta say...u should have waited for 30 because i had a map thought up...:P but a lot are very nice in there but some of the rrs and all of zoggers maps arent too good. Stick to what ur good at i'd have to say...And also what does the Scrabble map have to do with btp? it has no pixels, link or anything on it...
24.09.03 20:33
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I [downloaded and] looked through the maps, and only a few I liked. Nothing against BTP, it's great and all (heh heh), but I didn't like the look of most of the maps. As in, I haven't tried them, but they didn't look like they'd play well (most of 'em).
24.09.03 20:57
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well i cause they're pixely and scarely and routine is scared. But the ones i said just looked like ass and wouldnt play em...mine u not as worse as those comics that guys did...uh i think it was jimbo or something..
24.09.03 21:11
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The scrabble map does have a link on it, unless I made a mistake and uploaded the wrong version. I'll check it later. What does it have to do with BTP? It was made by a BTP member, that's what. And it does say 'BlameThePixel' on it, cuz it's dedicated to blaming pixels :D


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
24.09.03 21:21
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[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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C1, what are you drinkin? I've seen some illegible posts, but damn. That's gotta be the worst I've seen from you thus far.

The parts I could understand I agree with.
24.09.03 21:25
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Here ill put it in point form for u:
-most maps were good except a few
- the maps that sucked like Daminite's comics
-scrabble map i couldnt find btp on it
-map pack maps HAD to have and stuff remember Bloopy? u said that..
24.09.03 21:48
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Quoted :: C1

all of zoggers maps arent too good.


I made the first map to be hard / bordering on annoying, &
does that include the me & bloopy one.


-scrabble map i couldnt find btp on it

You "see one" need glasses, or are drunk, as re is suggesting.

It says clearly in big scrabble letters "BLAMETHEPIXEL" and then right below that there is the URL in italics.

You know I'm a dancing machine
25.09.03 15:45
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lol, did they get the triple word score?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
25.09.03 22:03
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