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i need a free webpage host, online hd, whatever. anything that i can upload things to that allows remote linking :( :cry:
22.09.03 15:14
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You know I'm a dancing machine
22.09.03 16:26
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i need it for more than just sigs :cry:

can you see this An image! image?

its an animated gif

if its not moving or if its a fortune city logo then i this topic is valid
otherwise i'm good
22.09.03 16:37
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Yep I can see that image. Seems fortunecity allows it.

You know I'm a dancing machine
22.09.03 16:46
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k good
a couple of hours ago it wasnt
22.09.03 16:48
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can anyone see this?

Dont worry! The pic isnt me, its a random passport photo off google. Made it for a spoof story of Half life which I have to do for school.

Learn to look, look to learn.
22.09.03 17:12
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i see it. o and a free host with image linking is angel fire...or at least the angel fire i used to use for image linking
23.09.03 03:30
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whats up with the number of views for this thread heh :o
23.09.03 07:47
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o ya. i forgot to tell ya. btp was horribly hacked. ive found these things hacked:
the crashing, the fake name that says he hasnt been on for like 2343 days, and this thread.
23.09.03 23:21
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hahaha; i hadn't noticed the view count until i read the posts.
24.09.03 01:29
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i dont think it's corrupt, i reckon that the mysql DB is getting overloaded with all the traffic and is gettin corrupted.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
24.09.03 18:02
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it's pretty weird tho, yesterday my brother was trying to use, but they had banned our IP address for bombarding the page with 10,288 hits. May have been someone else on the isp tho.

You know I'm a dancing machine
25.09.03 16:07
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i saw this great remote linking trick today, instead of the usual 'no remote linking' image, it had a pick of soemg gay porn saying 'oi, get ur own images!' hilarious.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
25.09.03 21:24
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Your attention please:


i know of a free webhost that allows image linking (although im not sure it if says so in the TCOS :P )
anyway it allows 50mb of space, no ads (true) and unlimited bandwith (unless its problematic to the server)
the url is
i think it has a nice speed, i use it for my clan website ( if you notice the url on the left, the redirector goes to this page)
i believe that it's a porn webhost too, because when i tried some random usernames, some fetish or lesbian pages appeared...
anyway no warnings about anything from them so far...

... that would be all, thanks.
09.10.03 10:01
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lol, nice link, there, have u clicked it? it redirects to for me...
12.10.03 10:23
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