
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheGeneralDiscussion » Holy Shit! An new clan? Any joiners?!

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HOLY SHIT! I'm start'n a new clan, FDS ( Flipper's Death Squad). It's more of an anti clan, really, poking fun at the "pro" clans out there. Were a FDS tag, and let em know you dont try very hard!


Play WWP ( this may or may not change soon, w8 n see)

You can get in via try out by: Roper, Warmer/Freestyle Ropin, rr, br, t17, pro normal, yawwn...shoppa(u better be able to play other stuff tho), bungee madness, and mostly anything else. Marginal skills are good enuff.

Liking the Band Flipper is a plus. If u havnt heard them, seek em out. I implore you.

If yer gonna join, make sure yer playin for fun. Dont bother me with WCL shit, it aint hapenin'.

So if you enjoi fuckin' wit zee majors, pm me, im me, or e mail me. Les make em Flip out....HOO HA!
21.09.03 03:25
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SHIT, I ONOLYly play wA.
21.09.03 06:16
Post #2
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[]The Pope
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sounds good but the 'u need to have heard of flipper' thing is gonna filter some people out. I'd take that requirement out. Also, if you need any art made, ask. Although if your taking the piss out of clans, will you have a site?

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21.09.03 08:10
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yes likwing Flipper is plus, but not necisery...guess I shuda sed that clearer. Well now it iz clear..heh. Oh yes, and I have a special house that I want to have made for the FDS crew...or at least for me and my ghetto ass. Lemme put up a pick so U can see...
23.09.03 04:05
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[]The Pope
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ok. where is it then?

Learn to look, look to learn.
23.09.03 06:34
Post #5
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Ta Da!

Heh...better start savin to get that built. Oh yea, and about the website...It will be very crude and basic. It will feture:
and Band of the week (picked by me)

but that isnt even started so feh...mabe more shit once I get the ball rollin....

23.09.03 22:25
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so you don't play WA, Fiend?
23.09.03 22:27
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I do play W:A, but I play WWP primarily. I lent my W:A disc to my free loadin frined. I'll just tell 'im to get it on cd space. I'd play W:A a bit more if I had the zeal to do u think an anti clan would werk better on W:A?
24.09.03 03:50
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what is the purpose of an anti clan?
24.09.03 12:05
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[]The Pope
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yeah, kinda of a... oh i forgot it! Oh wait, a contradiction.

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24.09.03 14:21
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Quoted :: The Pope
yeah, kinda of a... oh i forgot it!
Irony? Oxymoron? Dumb idea?
24.09.03 16:32
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hehe contra is in the name...Contra means rival
24.09.03 20:11
Post #12
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the point of the ant clan is just to mock the big ol pro clans out there. To be in, you still need to be skilled, but we dont take our selves so seriously. Above all, it's just fer fun. Think of us as the Dickies of the clan world. Ok, curently think of me as the dickies of the clan world :/...

(cough cough, dickies were an spoof punk band from the 70s/80s cough cough)
25.09.03 00:02
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I see what you mean, but, in a way, and Anti-Clan (by your definition) would be against itself.

anyway... uh.. i have no idea (on your original question, "do u think an anti clan would werk better on W:A?").
25.09.03 02:38
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tru, "Spoof" clan would probally decribe it better. That or "Satirical Irony Clan", anti sounds kooler ;)
25.09.03 03:41
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