
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheGeneralDiscussion » Is everything a flag to u ZoGgEr!?

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I just noticed every title is called Flag Name. I just noticed that today when i was looking to see wat something was called and there it was...FLAG NAME starinng me in the face!
17.09.03 20:31
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here's something else to ignore...

what r u talking about?

An image!
"Everbody was doing it, i just wanted to be popular."
17.09.03 21:52
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look at this...why not fucken try and look at any download page! and wats this thing ive heard u breaking into ppls accounts! BAD! this is wat im talking about for thoes too lazy to look!
17.09.03 21:58
Post #3
Last edited: 17.09.03 22:01 (C1 - 2 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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here's something else to ignore...

i didnt break into neones acounts

An image!
"Everbody was doing it, i just wanted to be popular."
17.09.03 22:06
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stay on topic...theres proof
17.09.03 22:07
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here's something else to ignore...

proof of what?

An image!
"Everbody was doing it, i just wanted to be popular."
17.09.03 22:10
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Initiating Spam Blocker Plus! nah, I wish. anyway...

nice going crazy with the arrowage, C1. and how is ZoGgEr going crazy calling everything a 'Flag name'? you only pointed out one instance. or is that what you meant?
17.09.03 22:33
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i dunno just saying he called everyhitng a flag...even a map a flag, etc. but we have proof from ur ips. its the same as that dude.
18.09.03 01:03
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its a simple mistake
c1 noticed it.
good call :D
18.09.03 01:39
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i notice all. i noticed the pixels name, noticed many errors, thats why im a bug reporter as well and me and theif has our own forum.
18.09.03 01:40
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lay off the gravy.

do you really care? :D
18.09.03 02:53
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heh surprised I never noticed that. It's cause I used the table from the old flags page for the structure and just forgot to change it.

And no pyro didn't break into anyone's accounts - if it was him, which is possible from an IP check, he created and account with a very similar name to another one and started spamming in his name.

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18.09.03 15:12
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o ic. ya the same thing happened to me zog. so dont take it to heart.
18.09.03 23:49
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another glitch is found. Or hacking...look at this dudes last sign in. it says that he was born 1-2 years before btp was even born!
20.09.03 23:37
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it says that when the person doesn't have any hits, becuase there's no time for the alst hit to have been, if you see what I mean. heh.

You know I'm a dancing machine
21.09.03 09:50
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