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Crazy. They've started redirecting all non-existant .com and .net domains to their own special site thing, try
That's pretty dodgy, so here's a related link [link] to highlight the bad points. grr.

Also, am I the only one who is getting problems with sites taking aages to resolve? [S]Zogger!$1wonders if it's related.

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16.09.03 21:55
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what the fuck!?

how the fuck can they do that?


i suppose... but i dont like it at all. shit on them.
16.09.03 22:59
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The Internet is now regularly not working at my school, and I've decided to blame VeriSign just for the sake of it.

What VeriSign are doing, may not be against any rules, but the fact is that they wrote a lot of the rules. I really look forward to when they get rid of Sitefinder.

A couple of vaguely amusing addresses:, and

I have that last one open now - sounds good.
24.09.03 20:52
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hate the pop ups (even if they aren't ads or anything), but good linkage.

for those who don't already know, you can always check out to check out for, you guessed it, news, and if Verisign decides to take down Sitefinder, I'm sure they'll mention it.
24.09.03 21:01
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I like using Google - see here. It's unlikely that they'll decide to remove it, more like be forced to.
24.09.03 21:17
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Verisign's da bitch. You can tell someone's gonna pull the plugs on 'em if they don't get their shit together... or, in this case, take their shit down. Sitefinder licka mah balls.
24.09.03 21:28
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04.10.03 16:43
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all this sounds interesting, anyone wanna explain it in lamens terms?
07.10.03 11:19
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well they killed it now, thank god :)
07.10.03 20:17
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well, they're talkin about bringing it back. we'll all sue them if/when they do (bastards).
07.10.03 20:19
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