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Another update, you can now use an avatar. Restrictions, though, are obviously there.... It's remote linking only, and I've written it so the maximum size is 100*100 pixels.
Apart from that, the world is your oyster, well, funny round shaped thing, anyway.
You know I'm a dancing machine |
19.02.03 03:20 Post #1 | [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote] |
*takes on the world with a single nuke* Send PM
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im just checking to see if my sig works...

08.03.03 00:54 Post #2 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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Heh, The only VBcode that works on this forum is [ quote ], you have to use HTML, which is pretty simple really. I edited it for you anyway tho...
BUT: I've gotta say, BMP sigs of that size aren't acceptable for use on forums, they take ages to load. You need to convert it to JPG or GIF, preferably of a size smaller that 30KB... So I've edited to be a link until you do that.
You know I'm a dancing machine |
08.03.03 01:15 Post #3 | [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote] |
*takes on the world with a single nuke* Send PM
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ive saved it as .jpg but do i need to put in the [img] [img/] tags or what? plus my avatar doesn't work and thats .jpg

08.03.03 01:21 Post #4 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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right the HTML code for an image is <img src="http://url">
You know I'm a dancing machine |
08.03.03 01:23 Post #5 | [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote] |
*takes on the world with a single nuke* Send PM
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it still does'nt work
edit: ah, thx.
edited cause of double post.

08.03.03 01:23 Post #6 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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lol, ok it looks like the server your hosting on doesn't allow remote linking to JPGs (it shows them as a broken link), so I'll just upload them here to keep you happy, and then edit your sig... heh.
You know I'm a dancing machine |
08.03.03 01:29 Post #7 | [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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lol stop triple posting... Ok, change your avatar to
You know I'm a dancing machine |
08.03.03 01:32 Post #8 | [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote] |
*takes on the world with a single nuke* Send PM
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thx, but i ve found a solution, bmps and gifs seem to work...... its just the .jpgs..... my signitures will look fairly decent now,
l8r, and thx lots

08.03.03 03:08 Post #9 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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lol, now you're back to the huge BMP that it was on before, it's huge size was the reason you changed it off in the first place. I'll just upload your sig to BTP and edit your thingy...
edit: see-ing as you can't get remote linking on anything other than BMPs on the hosting you're using, I would reccommend you use a free sig-hosting service, such as IMA sig hosting at
You know I'm a dancing machine |
08.03.03 03:16 Post #10 | [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote] |
*takes on the world with a single nuke* Send PM
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oh cool, i did'nt know that existed.
your sig contained invalid charictars, make sure it doesn't have anything like !"£$%^&*(@><
Edit: u know what would solve our problems? me making a smaller one.
Edited by zog cause you keep triple posting.

08.03.03 03:29 Post #11 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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Something else that would solve our problems is if you stopped triple-posting. Most people get annoyed when you could easily just edit your post, and instead you post again and again...
edit: you could say, ppl like you get on your nerVs  get it?  . still, you need to learn some forum ettiquette.
ie. don't double/triple post, don't post replies to a different thread about something completely unrelated to the rest of the thread.
You know I'm a dancing machine |
08.03.03 03:35 Post #12 | [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote] |
*takes on the world with a single nuke* Send PM
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im not triple posting, well i do a lot, but, bah nobody cares (i hope) and still, my sig is way smaller now, and, stuff, i am running out of things to say, oh yea, i was gonna advertise worms site, very good, but i have to go and watch friends now, goodbye

08.03.03 03:42 Post #13 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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btw, I think the reason you couldn't upload your sig is probably cause you had an underscore in your sig's name, either that or there're just bugs in their code.
Btw, site looks nice, but I notice in the news ticker it say "your site needs you", not copying the pixelMapPack page are we? Prolly not, heh.
You know I'm a dancing machine |
08.03.03 03:44 Post #14 | [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote] |
*takes on the world with a single nuke* Send PM
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i make most of they're w2 maps personally u know,
and i usually go onto forum that dont have a "edit" button, or hide them pretty well and dont really care whether they edit or not. *takes a deep breath*

08.03.03 17:04 Post #15 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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