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i want money! give money to wewevonsheepie now or pay
13.09.03 14:32
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An image!

Stop bloody spamming! Tax this guy. And please put a stop to people starting threads just to get money.

Learn to look, look to learn.
13.09.03 14:55
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well it doesnt seem that hes getting any money also why do u have 2 accounts and didnt we give u money and u wasted it?
13.09.03 17:06
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Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
13.09.03 22:09
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Quoted :: ReadMe


thank god

and pope, you could stop following up every spam with spam.
13.09.03 23:14
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:cry: why dose he have to copy my name!:cry:
14.09.03 00:07
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or maybe ur all 3 ppl...
14.09.03 00:31
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3 people?:?
14.09.03 00:36
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IP Check
Note: The IP Check has only been enabled since the third of April '03, so it won't be able toaccount for old posts...

The post you have selected for an IP check has been posted by a user with an IP of:
The following users had this IP at the time of signup. However, some users on the same ISP may have the same IP when they sign up.


The same IP has been used to post 13 messages
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(figure it out)

14.09.03 00:37
Post #9
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o hope some1 from staff comes soon.
14.09.03 00:40
Post #10
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Dynamic ip to win :D

Ps. you've been rumbled wewe..
14.09.03 04:21
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um.. which wewe?
14.09.03 05:22
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yeh I was just looking at an IP check and according to that wewevonsheie2 is the same as XxPYRO!xX

the real one has similar IPs but they do seem to tend toward being different.

And you're asking for him to be banned, if it were you you wouldn't be asking. heh.

In short, wewevonsheepie and wewevonsheie2 are almost definately different people, their IPs are constructed differently.

You know I'm a dancing machine
14.09.03 08:42
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i know, if we were the same y would i want him banned,but we r not the same
14.09.03 14:58
Post #14
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Ugh...yer pathetic weve ( money grubber). U want maney, uplaod files, maps, and werk for it. Then, if you actually contribute to the site, mabe people will like you and want at give you money...
26.09.03 23:33
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