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His royal Bobliness, Bobby 'Bob' Bobson speaks!

So, my PC crashed, right and it wouldn't start up again. In the end I had to re-install Windows (98) from DOS. But, alas, all my games did not work!:cry: So i uninstalled WWP and reinstalled it, but then it wouldn't work!:evil: When I click on the wwp icon it comes up with a black screen for a couple of seconds and then goes back to Windows. I have DirectX 9b installed. Some one HELP ME!:cry::cry::cry:
01.09.03 07:26
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[]The Pope
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You need to install drivers off the internet don't you?

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01.09.03 07:56
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His royal Bobliness, Bobby 'Bob' Bobson speaks!

Which drivers? thx for answering so quick!
AAAAHHHH ! Now it's doing it for WA as well!
01.09.03 07:58
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[]The Pope
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i dunno, im not a techno expert but if your getting black screens when trying to play games it could do with ur display. Find out the name of ur Graphics card and find an updated driver and then download it.

I might be talking bullshit so I'd find another site for help. Try this: It has helped me a few times.

Learn to look, look to learn.
01.09.03 08:01
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